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Old 05-14-2010, 09:16 AM
kpRN kpRN is offline
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kpRN kpRN is offline
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Default Now I am nervous....

Originally Posted by AintNoSunshine View Post
This all began last year in March.It began with being dizzy,then pain,then numbness,brain fog,etc. It just kept progressing into symptom after symptom.Well I had my first EMG in June.I get the phone call June 25,"you have a touch of neuropathy,it's so slight it barely showed up on the test but it is there"This was ordered by my regular doctor and done by an EMG specialist.So then I start seeing a neuro,this guy wasted 6 months of my life telling me the neuropathy was nothing to be concerned about and he didn't know why I was having all these symptoms.He was so stupid.He talked 500 mpm and cared more about his plants than he did his patients.Real weird guy.

I got another EMG I think in September,results still the same and no change.I get another neuro in December.Well guess what he wants to do his own EMG.I couldn't get one until March.We go over the results they said something along the lines of "possible very slowly progressing neuropathy"But he said that it was because of the needle part in my feet was off by one on both sides and that could be from everyday wear and tear of the feet.So I accept this.But then I start to feel worse with the tingling and numbness so I called him and he calls back 3 days later and gives me the sometimes we don't know speech.I told him I wasn't satisfied with that answer and he said I could see his NP to see if she had any ideas.Well thank God for this woman.She spent over an hour talking with me and is the one who ordered my sweat test and tilt table.She even gave me 2 orders for PT one for aquatic and the other for regular,which I will be requesting they do ultrasound therapy instead of wasting my time with stretches I can do on my own.And on both orders it says treat patient for small fiber neuropathy.I think sensory.

But in the midst of all this I have had a gazzillion tests trying to figure out what was wrong because no one thought it was neuropathy.2 ANA tests,a 3 hour glucose test,2 B12,1 Sjogrens,2 upper GI,1 brain MRI,1 whole back MRI,abdomen CT scan,2 head CT scans,a few chest Xrays(had BAD chest pain for months),a sleep apnea test,abi test(checks for PAD),a cartoid artery test(checks the atreries in your neck for blockages,was wondering about strokes)an EEG to check for seizure activity,I even went to cleveland clinic where I saw Richard Lederman for all of an hour and he pretty much told me it was all in my head.I was so excited that day to think I was going to get an answer after all this was Cleveland Clinic,and a huge dissappoint that was!!!!

So that's my whole story and all my tests I can think of right off hand.The new neuro,the NP,ordered a heavy metals test,a vitamin D and E.
Someone mentioned a new symptom every week.That sounds like my life.Right now I can't move from lying to standing without my back tingling something fierce and with the POTS I have to lay down periodically so I can think straight and not be so dizzy and have a headache.My numbness sorta comes and goes,it just depends.Like recently my hand and feet have felt this way but then they'll feel normal.However my feet feel like they're vibrating when I stand up and this is almost a constant.There have been times where I've only had minimal pain and felt like I was getting better and then bam it comes right back!!!

I see the stickies talk about supplements but are there any forums where people have stated how these supplements have helped them?Does neuropathy ever go away?Some sites say it can and others say not if there is no underlying cause.I'm kinda scared.I'm sick of being uncomfortable in my own body and the doctors having no clue what's wrong with me.Thanks for listening.
I feel your pain, believe me. Took me 14 years to get a diagnosis of mixed axonal and demyelinating peripheral neuropathy. Talk about finally feeling vindicated!! All those years I was lead to believe there was nothing wrong. I even think my family thought I was crazy. My husband tried to be supportive but after three neuros telling you there is nothing wrong, well, who could blame him for thinking I was whacked?? I have an appointment at "the" Cleveland Clinic on 6/14 and after reading about your experience, I am nervous to say the least. After years of being a nurse, I have learned to be aggressive (I like to call it assertive) and I don't take crap from doctors. Hopefully, I won't have to bring the ugly stick with me to my appointment. I will let you know how my experience goes. In the meantime, I hope you find a way to come to terms with what is happening within your body. No, we don't like it but stressing over it only helps to escalate the process. I try to walk each day. That is my de-stressing time. Try to do something you enjoy and allow your mind to focus on that rather than on the PN symptoms. Easier said than done, I know. I just keep praying that "our" good days outnumber the bad days.
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