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Old 06-03-2010, 06:39 PM
CZZ74 CZZ74 is offline
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CZZ74 CZZ74 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Default Erupting lesion pain- literally unbearable

Hi everyone, hope this finds you as well as possible.

I had another bad fall recently, on concrete really banged my knees, very swollen bleeding but felt lucky. It took almost 14 hours for the rsd to "find" as i call it the injury.

Has this happened to you?

When it did, on my original injury leg ,the pain that pursued was the most unbearable pain i have experienced to date .

Those of you that know me know that is saying quite a bit.

It was exactly like hot acid was being poured in a open wound. non stop for some 12 hours.
Just before this began I felt electric shock and needles all around my right knee- I said to my sister- that wasn't painful but i don't think its good I better lie down.

And an hour later it started. 4 hours later i realized a lesion was coming out dead center of the wound.

Nothing helped the pain- not morphine, not oxyc etc. if it starts up tonight I will go to emergency room i could not go through it again.

Has anyone else had this happen? I feel like the fall was so bad it triggered my rsd back to day one.

The alloydina around the wound is severe as is the edema. Any ideas for me.

Any similar experiences. With the amount of meds I am on would the ER help me.

I m asking if an IV for be able to help reduce the pain. I take such high does at home I'm not sure they would give me enough to help me. My blood pressure was 200 over 158 for hours..

I called a Friend to come and spend the night with me because when i tried to run cold water on it i almost blacked out.

Any advice would be welcomed. I really need to know what you think about the ER. would an Iv help. I don't want to go if it wont. Last time it took 12 sticks to get an iv in.

I take 3 opana 40 mg. and 5 oxycodone 30mg for breakthrough. and 2 lyrica 150 mg. that is why i am wondering if IV would help. thank you in advance for any advice you could give me .

sincerely dc
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