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Old 06-22-2010, 06:50 PM
imark3000 imark3000 is offline
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imark3000 imark3000 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Calgary-Canada
Posts: 821
15 yr Member
Default thank you all but I must clarify

Thank you all and I must clarify in fairness that the neuro doctor laid a plan starting with 1/2 tab of sinemet 25/100 increasing gradually within about 6 weeks to the large dose of 9 tablets a day.

As I mentioned earlier (subjectively) I do not have any complain about mobility, stiffness, getting up, turning in bed, swallowing, constipation, mood, sleep and (I say it in a shy way) even my sex life is fine at my age which is 67. My main complain is tremor during activity such as eating, typing, shaving, etc. as well as deteriorating memory (specially short term) , finding direction and speech. I rarely have tremor when I am relaxed and not stressed.
Of course I have beside tremor all the other symptoms to some degree but they do not bother me at all because they are mild and I can live with them happily ever after !

I have been exercising regularly for about one hour twice a day which I believe resolved the problems of stiffness and sleep which bothered me earlier (I was diagnosed about 4 years ago).

I enjoy a quiet life and I enjoy it as God's gift ..including breathing, food, music , staring at the beautiful trees , etc. etc. and have very supporting and positive wife and children. I am actually happy.

My plan was to search for some thing (including drugs or herbs) which may target specifically the tremor problem and had in fact started one or two threads on our forum about tremor. I started using Kamedrin about a year ago encouraged by an input of one of forum members (his name escapes now) who said it worked for him. It worked for me as well magically with no side effects but unfortunately its usefulness waned gradually and my tremor came back in recent months.

I was taking mucuna (one tea spoon full) 3 times a day and I believe it benifitted my health greatly but it did not help my tremor unfortunately.

It is interesting that you (dear members) are asking me all these questions but the neuro doctor did not. More remarkable is that I prepared a two page of my medical history containing basically the same information that I am putting now to you and I handed it to her at beginning of the appointment but she returned it to me after glancing at it for few seconds with a look from her which I interpreted to mean (probably mistakenly) "why are you handing to me this crab".
I must say that my tremor was very severe during the appointment and I was lost for words trying to inform her some thing she did not ask me about (how I felt and how I am coping ), that I am really very well and this tremor was only because of nervousness then.

Any way, she argued that she is the expert and her assessment of my condition is that I am under medicated and half measures would be useless and it is similar to treating diabetic patient with less than the correct dose of medication.

I wanted to tell her very politely that even among PD specialists there are two schools of thought, one of which believes in aggressive medication while the other believes in minimum medication to maintain patient acceptable quality of life ... but she cut me short saying that I am denying myself a good quality of life.

When I told her that I have adapted myself to this illness she said : Why have you waited 6 months for the appointment if you are not going to listen to me. I did not answer as I was so tired and disappointed. I and my wife were hoping to hear words of praise and encouragement for what we achieved ..(happiness in spite of PD) and we were hoping to discuss a plan based on exercise and minimum medication .. yoga .. taichi etc. ..but we were made to understand that these methods including exercise are of minor importance. She did ask why I am taking my dozen well researched supplements and although I had spent many hours researching the benefits of these supplements I answered her that these are my placebos.

I have been feeling very low since. I already started the regime of gradually increasing sinement , and I feel notably worse. Apart from the sickness, my tremor did not go but changed in nature and became more jittery and more annoying.
I made a large order of sinemet following your advise just in case I will be eventually hooked to this medicine.
I will update this thread later. thank you again.

Last edited by imark3000; 06-22-2010 at 07:25 PM.
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