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Old 02-04-2007, 04:10 PM
InHisHands InHisHands is offline
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InHisHands InHisHands is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
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15 yr Member
Wink Some thoughts for you!

I was wanting to answer someone elses' post on this topic (Jasmine's), so I will do so here, as I answer your question.

You were diagnosed 2 months ago. How long did you go to PT? Couldn't have been long, right?

I have been going to Physical Therapy for 4 months. I was dx with RSD after I had started PT.
So, I've been going to PT specifically for my RSD for 11 weeks, and I have gone 5 days a week (3 hour sessions at this point). My pain got WORSE at the beginning and still does get worse right after/ during my PT sessions. A few hours after the sessions I wouldn't say my pain is worse. Overall PT has helped me. (I know everyone is different, and the same treatments might not work for you, so I am just telling you my experience ). I have been able to move more normally, pain has improved overall, and I can tolerate more.

After my physical therapists has rubbed velcro () on my arms, I am able to tolerate gentle touches a LOT easier! That velcro is sure nasty, and it was AWFUL to feel it, but now, you know what? I can tolerate my physical therapist putting the eletric stim pads on my arms without screaming in pain. So, I HAVE seen benefit from physical therapy. Desensitization is a must! You have to learn to wear clothing, or keep wearing clothing! Some days I feel like I cannot possibly feel my shirt on my shoulders/ arms anymore... but what choice do I have?? I have to wear it (), and I have to have desensitization to those areas!

At PT my therapist works on: strengthening my affected areas, desensitizing, stretching, contrast type things (cold whirlpool, hot packs, etc), and movement movement movement! Easy? No. But I have the hope that it will help me. I cry, and have screamed at times from the pain. The therapists are sympathetic, but they know it's got to be done. It's for my own good. They are super!

As far as finding a PT place that knows what they are doing, try this:
*ask your Dr. to call your therapist with the detailed instructions of what treatment you need. My PM Dr. did this, and it really helped my physical therapist.
*Print out papers on RSD so that your physical therapist knows more about your condition, and they can help you better, after getting more of an understanding of what RSD is.
*Lastly, if you know what needs to be done, speak!! Sometimes if you know the treatment you need, then just tell your therapist, and ask him if he can do those specific things. Whether that be movement excercizes or desensitization.
REMEMBER, you are responsible for YOUR HEALTH. You care about it more than anyone else does, and you've got to be sure that you are listened to, and you get the treatment needed. You cannot EVER assume that people (Drs., physical therapists or anyone else) *know* what they are doing in regards to your health. You have to take responsibility, educate yourself, research and do everything you can. Find out as much as you can. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!! ASK QUESTIONS!

I do not go to a PT place that specializes in RSD treatment. They are a local PT place. My physical therapist who I regularly work with has seen about 8 other patients with RSD. He has a basic understanding, he took an interest in my case, he has talked with my Dr. about my treatment, he has listened to me/ my suggestions/ my ideas, and he knows more about nerves than the other physical therapists. Yes, it is best if you find someone who is experienced with RSD, but that is really hard to find. I would say second best is find someone who is willing to learn. My physical therapist didn't know much, but he was willing to learn.

Don't let anyone baby you- that is the worst thing. You cannot baby yourself either. That is so easy to do, but that is really bad for you. You have to learn to move and do things "normally", if at all possible.

I wouldn't completely rule out PT for yourself. PT teaches your limbs how to move correctly. You have to gain normal function, you have to learn to use the affected limb. Don't give up! It is so hard. I know it is. I'm going through this too. I have RSD in both of my feet/legs and both of my arms/ shoulders. It is hard, and it stinks to go through this. Some days I feel like giving up, but I am determined to get through this. I want to try everything I can. Right now it's medications and physical therapy for me. It has worked for others, and I hope it'll do the same for me.

What can you do? You try everything possible. You stick to doing a treatment until you know it is unsuccessful. That is why I am saying not to rule out PT. I am assuming you didn't go for too long. You really can't rule out PT in 2, 5 or even 12 weeks, I think.

Physiotherapy was the primary treatment that won my remission from RSD. My physiotherapist is a good listener and guided me to pace my treatment carefully, but maintain a regular and consistent routine at home (between hospital visits). The course of treatment took nine months of weekly visits and four-times-daily exercises on my own. It was painful, but I learned to distinguish when the pain was 'different' (meaning it was a signal to give it a rest rather than a 'normal' part of the productive work). Formal treatment ended in December 1999 and I have been mostly pain free since then, and have full mobility (it is now October 2001). However, symptoms have not completely gone away and I find it necessary to continue practising the exercises to retain flexibility. Derrick Phillips - RSD Alert administrator
See the following websites:

I would suggest doing more research on physical therapy and RSD. Educate yourself and others.

For how long did you go to PT? How long were your PT sessions? And how often did you go?

BTW, have you tried taking pain meds. right before PT to help you get through it? That can really help- especially with the desensitization aspect.

I hope I have helped you in some way.

Last edited by InHisHands; 02-04-2007 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Fixing up my typos...
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