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Old 07-01-2010, 07:32 PM
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Bryanna Bryanna is offline
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Hi Sandy,

One of the major issues with root canaled teeth is they can be symptom free for many years but that does not mean they are healthy. For example, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure...... can be symptom free for years too but that does not mean that something is not going on. People don't have spontaneous heart attacks from coronary artery disease.... it's a progressive disorder that can go on for many years without a single symptom. Abcesses in the mouth are not spontaneous either.. they are a progressive infection that originates from an unhealthy tooth.

Up until about 10 years ago, during every root canal procedure formaldehyde was injected into the canals of the tooth as a disinfectant. Keep in mind that formaldehyde is a poisonous irritating gas often referred to as embalming fluid. Cotton pellets were soaked in formaldehyde and placed inside the tooth as a preservative prior to placing the root canal filling material. Formaldehyde lasts indefinitely. So when someone says they have a root canaled tooth more than 10 years old.... they most likely have formaldehyde inside their tooth. Perhaps people should have been told that this poison was being used....? I certainly think so. Unfortunately there are still some dentists who continue to use it.

There are many reasons why some dentists tell their patients to hold onto unhealthy teeth. One main reason is... trying to convince the patient that although they may be symptom free, there is a problem. Many people do not have the finances or won't spend their money to replace the teeth that they have removed, so they hold onto their teeth until the problem becomes very severe. Eventually, a bad tooth shows signs of infection..... those signs can be subtle like temperature or pressure sensitive... bad taste or odor... on/off swelling... bleeding from the gum.... bone loss... mobility. Or a person can wake up one morning with severe pain and swelling.

I'm sharing all of this with you.... and whomever.... because these are things that people have a right to know about. The decision to be proactive or wait and see is completely up to the individual. However, you and so many others might not be in this predicament today, if you had been better informed years ago.

Sandy, I know you are mentally shot from all of this and rightfully so because now you have a menagerie of dental problems that are becoming more evident and it's very worrisome. Perhaps your intuition, more than anything else is telling you something has to change?

I share this information with the best of intentions and I know it is disturbing to say the least..... I'm sorry, I wish people were better informed right from the get go.

Would you consider consulting with a new dentist... someone who is not associated with your current one?


Originally Posted by sandy60 View Post
Tooth 3 and 4 are root canaled but have been for years with no change on the x-ray. The ENT only saw a problem in my nose, a pocket of air that I can have surgery on, but elective. It's very common. He could find no reason for the tooth pain. I was hoping that between him and a neurologist, they'd come to some conclusion. I had tooth 11 removed over a year ago and when I flare my nostrils, it hurts right next to my nose. This is on the left side. I would like an implant but I can't see putting a screw in a place that already hurts. So, as you can see, my whole mouth is a mess. Have a flipper but can't speak, eat with it so never wore it (I did try). I am more concerned right now with the fate of 31 though and thanks for the sealant answer. I do clench and wake up with the three top teeth sore. I sometimes wish they could just pull 3 and which case would it even pay to keep 31? It would have nothing opposing it so what would be the point? I am just mentally drained from all of this worry and even though 3 and 4 might be ok now, I'd rather get them out now than later when I'm old (and worry about one of them abscessing). I do have a root canal for 46 years that has been fine and my best friend has had one for 52 years, another friend for 50 years with no problems. So my oral surgeon says leave them alone...but I worry.
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