Originally Posted by Diogenes
If your worried you have ALS, there is another condition that has the same symptoms in the beginning. I can fool doctors at first.
The condition is Beneign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS). there's a wiki definition and a forum. I was told I didn't have ALS 30 years ago, but they couldn't explain why I had early symptoms of it.
Now days more and more neurologist know about it (but defintely not all). If your getting checked for ALS or your neurologist think its unlikely, then ask about BFS
Hello, 31 year old male here. I was diagnosed with BFS and it turned out I actually had a food sensitivity that was causing the neurological symptoms, as crazy as that sounds. See my in depth post in the allergy section of this forum for my detailed story and experience. The food sensitivity was actually caused by another condition which is treatable. Others who are diagnosed with BFS, may have what I have. It wasn't easy finding answers.