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Old 02-05-2007, 03:07 AM
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Hi Daydreamer,

So sorry to have missed your post...I haven't tried the breathing thing, maybe someone else has, though.

As far as the stress element goes, I can only tell you my own personal experience of developing RSD. Yes, I was very stressed at the time. But there were two particular incidents which I am 100% certain caused it.

I broke my arm (couple of hand bones and ribs too) in a bad fall on slippery ground after a typhoon 3 years ago; I was running at the time and fell across a step which snapped the arm. Colles fracture. Went to ER, casted, and then couple of days later it was reset by closed reduction (didn't open the arm, they just pull, ouch) and for about a week it was surprisingly quite comfortable.

Until I went for the weekly check and they decided the cast was a bit rough and changed it. Bad move #1. Started hurting like hell. No matter what they did, more casts etc, that's how it stayed, quite incredibly painful.

Came to the time to remove the cast. Arm was pale, dry and thin. Afterwards went straight to PT, where they put my arm in polar thermafrost ice for 20 mins. Bad move #2. Single most agonising experience of my life, and I knew something terrible had happened. But in those days I didn't question medics.

When they removed the ice, my arm was brilliant red, swollen, burning, oh that'll wear off, they said ...but that's how it stayed for the next 6 months, despite PT, despite everything. Hello RSD.

So....I just know that if they hadn't a) changed the cast and b) iced it, my story would be very different. Stress or no stress, for me these two mechanical "medical procedures" caused it. The changes were instantaneous and unmistakeable.

Also, everyone who has been injured is in a state of stress, aren't they? But RSD doesn't happen to, don't know the answer to your questions, just giving you my input. I'm sure others will too,
all the best

Last edited by artist; 02-05-2007 at 05:53 AM. Reason: ooops typos...
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