Thread: Help please
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Old 07-10-2010, 11:36 AM
Newbie87 Newbie87 is offline
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Newbie87 Newbie87 is offline
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Confused Help please

So i am at a lost of what to do and am wondering if anyone can give me some kind of advice. My symptoms started about a year ago, with severe fatigue and weakness. I went from being a cheer coach very active to getting married and moving and then all of a sudden i could barely lift my legs up. i couldn't get myself off the couch. Couldn't keep my head up. So for the longest time i went to drs and ofcoarse no one knew what it was, some thought i was depressed or anxiety... I am was my body doing it not my mind. so i gave up. At the being of may i began to notice that i was getting super weak after doing little things. Like bringing the laundry down stairs or vaccuming. Id do that and then have to lay down and would even sleep for a few hour before i could even get myself up. Worried but annoyed at the healthcare system i ignored it until things got worst. Chest pain horrendise, like there was a rock sitting on my chest, shortness of breath...walking from the bathroom to the bedroom or up the stairs. Im 22 years old......all i could think of is what is going on. Went to my GP, she confused as every ordered pretty much every lab on the lab sleep. Abnormal one was my ANA 1:640. So i was sent to a rheumatologist to see maybe if it is lupus. No rashies but i guess symptamatically i could fit that. blood test done there should nothing specifically to lupus. My Rheum was convince that it was something more and he was not going to give up. He called me everyday to see how i was doing while starting me on prednisone. He kept saying that my first symptom is weakness and everything else i was experiencing he thought was from me pushing myself to hard as i work 40 plus hrs a week as a medical assistant.
Any who, finally get to see a neurologist, they do an emg in my neck that same day because they are so shocked at how weak i am and said that the numbers were shocking. That after excertion i lost over 70 % of strength and then it would correct itself after i rested ofcoarse. So i was started on Mestinon 60 mg 3 x a day. Love this medication. So as long as i take this medication on the dot it does well and we added timespan for night to help and with just a few hard nights and days things seem to be improving. Last friday i developed a cough, Shortness of breath and the pain in my chest was there more then every. thot maybe i was getting a cold. This week i saw my neuro and she referred me to a pulmonary dr as well as to get some pfts done, she wanted have them done this week and that didn't happen thanks to their lovely office staff. So by tuesday of this week i can't get rid of this "cough" like i am trying to get air in and i can't as well as having a hard time after eating and having coughing attacks. SO i met with my pulmonogist and he was hoping that maybe i was having some post nasal drip and so he prescribed me some antibiotics as well as and inhaler. ( none of which have helped and i have been told to discontinue) So, here i am stuck, feels like i have something caught in my throat as well as every couple breaths i have to take 3 before i can even get a good one in. They upped my pred to 20 mg a day and 40mg everyother day. I am at my witts end. I feel like my drs aren't helping that they leave their office at 5pm and im on my own. in the last 2 weeks i have woke up 3 times out of my sleep like i stopped breathing. the last one happening last night, when i was sleeping on the couch with my husband and he said i was laying there just find and then popped up gasping for air....something is obviously getting worst.... I have looked up several things on IVIG and am wondering if my body just needs a push because before this breathing issue starting i was responding well to mestinon on most days.

sorry this is so long....hope there is someone out there that can help. Thanks in advance!
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