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Old 02-05-2007, 11:54 PM
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Default okay, finally...

I'm going to tackle this. Right now!!

For now, I will post my post my post decompression surgery symptoms...

1. Pain and very tight muscles in my neck.
2. Burning pain from the left side of my neck down into my elbow and hand. Cramping in both forearms. Hurts to straighten fingers.
3. Hands that are constantly cold and have a mottled apearence or turn purpleish.
4. Numbness in both hands especially the ring and baby finger. Lack of fine motor skills in fingers.
5.Tingling feeling in my neck, shoulder's and arms and hands.
6.Pain in scapula area, starts with pinching, then tightness and burning. Can evolve to a knife like piercing sensation.
7.A dull ache especially my left shoulder, also my left chest area. Can evolve into a intense, sharp, excruciating pain that has in the past led me to believe that I was having a heart attack.
8.I have to fight hard to continue to use my left arm because of the pain and weakness and I am left handed.
9.Both arms feel tired, heavy,akward, clumsy because of pain and or weakness
10.headaches that last for days. Sometimes I can't tolerate noise, as in speech, the phone ringing, talking on the phone, light, for days. I will usually spend that time in bed. Maxalt helps some. These headaches usually come when I have overdone, not paced myself.(Usually due to mandatory Attorney/w/c/ appts. QME's, as in stress, and pushing beyond my abilities)
11. Difficulty swallowing at times
12. Activity with hands or arms reaching at any level, carrying, pushing/pulling, sitting for pro-longed periods,repetitive neck movement, bending down at the waist, looking down are very limited and if over done will send me to bed for days.

Things that help:
hot baths
very gentle stretching to open my chest area up
posture related stretches
changing position
laying down flat on my back with my moshi pillow supporting my neck
pacing my activities, while avoiding some all together
Peter Edglow protocol
MS contin

Things that hurt and I don't do Anymore:

laundry, folding etc
carrying (anything over 3 to 5 lbs. )
lifting (some days even a glass or cup)
vaccuming or dusting,doing dishes... basically any house cleaning
washing and blowdrying my hair, my hubby helps, hubby cuts it as well as it's too hard to get it cut professionally, too painful...
I wear make-up-only on rare ocassions
shopping isn't fun any more
no more gardening

If it weren't for my dear husband, my parents,my oldest son, my daughter in law (his Wife) and my dear friends, both here and "out there" I'd go crazy.

I don't feel like I have a life anymore. There is so little I can do, so little that remains of "Me".

Most people don't know how to respond when I say I can't do.... ( you fill in the blank) They tell me I look so healthy, and will push me to try things. Which just frustrates and hurts me all the more.

I guess that is it for now...Hope this can help others!!!

G ~
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