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Old 07-25-2010, 10:43 AM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Originally Posted by Rrae View Post
i would love that, Gabbycakes.

i know it would truly help us both....
.....i hope your flare settles down...
....they always come in the worst of times....
i've realized that alot of times, i get a flare immediately after my stress level goes up, or when i'm faced with something very unpleasant.....
....and yes, even the weather. . .
will we EVER get answers!!

Flare-ups???? You want to talk about Flare-ups????

I have just been getting over the WORST TMJ flare-up I have ever experienced in 15 years. And I never knew that stress could cause any kind of flare-ups. You would think I would have learned this.

But 3 weeks ago, I found myself walking the streets (it was July 3rd), in the middle of the HEAT WAVE IN NYC. Temp index was 106. All I wanted to do was find a dentist to PULL MY BACK TOOTH. I knew it was TMJ and it had NOTHING TO DO WITH MY BACK TOOTH. And twice before various dentist had informed me "Melody, it's not your tooth", but when you are throbbing and going nuts and nothing works (nothing short of heavy narcotics) which I am NOT prepared to do at this moment, well believe me, if there had been a dentist opened, I would have marched in and DEMANDED he pull my tooth.

I had been given anti-inflammatories, anti muscle this and advil, aleve, you name it, I took it. THE ONLY THING THAT WORKED WAS ICE. So I stayed in bed for 5 days with ice packs on my jaw and side of my face.

The stressor was my son. Never knew that humans could cause so much stress.

My doctor listened to what was happening and said "It's not your tooth".

My dentist, examined me, listened to what I was going through, checked me thoroughly and announced "you know it's not your tooth, you do know this, you have TMJ (which is horrible at times).

But I never knew that stress could induce flare-ups, etc. And there was my lovely kind compassionate dentist taking the time to listen to me, and explain how stress affects the muscles in the face and jaw, and how these muscles affect the nerves on the side of the face.

I guess it had to be drummed into me that STRESS CAN DO YOU IN.

And the fact that we had this heat wave 3 weeks ago, well it didn't help. He told me the inflammation would pass, AND IT DID. When the weather eased up, my whole face relaxed and I never had to take one of those narcotic pills. Not that there's anything wrong with pain management. If you need to take a pill, you take a pill.

That's why I tried the anti-inflammatories. I took Arthrotek. I thought it would work over night. The pharmacist explained that sometimes it takes weeks for an anti-inflammatory med to work.

Who the heck has WEEKS?

But for me, just knowing that it wasn't the tooth, that it was a tmj flare up, well that took a lot of the anxiety away because I am a dental phobic (even though I have the loveliest phobia dentist who treats me like a human being.

I would NEVER go to another dentist if my life depended on it. This guy is the BOMB. He's a top dental phobia expert.

I'll never forget the first time I went there. I had a broken tooth (it didn't hurt), but I guess I was vain enough to HAVE TO GO.

I knew I needed a special dentist, one that would not think I was nuts for being afraid.

I found this man in NYC. I made the appointment (and they do a cleaning the first time, and they numb you up good with the gel), so that was no big thing.

So I thought I would come back at another time and get the broken tooth fixed.

I didn't think I would have any work done that day.

Little did I know. I brought my whole family with me, because they were my support system.

There they sat in the dentist's waiting room, sipping lovely coffee and tea and just waiting until I was done.

So after my cleaning, they bring me in the next room and do x-rays. Then the dentist walks up to me and says 'Guess what, I had a cancellation today, I'll be doing your crowns, by the way, you need a double crown".

I looked at him and smirked (I really did smirk in a funny way), I said "Aha, you CAN'T do my teeth today because I have mitral valve prolapse and I need antibiotics, SO THERE!!!.

He starts laughing and opens his hand and says "oh, I know all about you, here's the two pills, take them and we'll wait a bit"

I just looked at him, and gulped and said "you really are going to do this today, but I have to get the Access a ride and that will be in 90 minutes and YOU CAN'T DO THIS TODAY!!!

He just smiled and said "Everything I do is by appointment and it's all arranged.Someone else cancelled, I have the time, and believe me you will make your Access-a-ride.

So I'm waiting for all the syringes and I knew I would faint, and he brings out this new gadget. It's the WAND.

No more injections. Look it up and you'll see what phobia guys use on people like me. Actually he uses it on everyone I believe. It's a pain free way to get completely numb.

Worked like a charm. Never felt a thing.

My anxiety, my stress has caused me all this nonsense all of my life.

I really don't want it to kill me, or cause me any more pain.

So for all of my nervous nellie buddies out there who have stress in their lives, or who are facing hard stuff, just know that you are not alone.

From time to time, we have to face a lot of stuff. It affects our bodies, not just out minds.

I have promised myself to take time for myself and treat myself with respect and care.

Because honestly, who is going to take care of me if I DON'T??

We spend so much time caring for others, we forget about us.

So (and this is for the ladies), whenever you get an hour or two, take yourself down to your local nail salon and get a pedicure.

The other day I did just that. She sprinkles Rose Petals in the Water. Do you know how soothing this is? The whole experience is de-stressing.

And we need to de-stress.

Didn't mean to hijack this thread but I just wanted you to know that we have to take the time to smell the ROSE PETALS.





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