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Old 09-03-2010, 09:45 AM
SandyRI SandyRI is offline
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SandyRI SandyRI is offline
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I am with Gabby - My docs have never prescribed it for me for the same reason - they felt it was just way too addictive. So I've never tried it.

I was on 75 mcg of Fentanyl for 9 months (100 mcg for a short period when my head was a real mess). In my haste to get off of it I made myself sick as a dog. I truly hope NEVER AGAIN to have to go on the stuff. I think I am long over the acute phase of my RSD and have settled into the forever "cold" chronic stage. I get ketamine infusions on a regular basis which have made a difference in a lot of my symptoms - but, I will never be "normal." I still need pain relief on a regular basis.

The most I am willing to consider now on is Fiorcet for head pain and an occasional oxycodone if things are really bad (which doesn't do much for me). Amazingly enough, after years of heavy meds, I have found that 800 mg of Motrin is is actually a pretty good pain reliever. Especially if taken with a caffeinated beverage which gets it into the system quicker.

Have a nice weekend everyone, XOXOX Sandy

Originally Posted by gabbycakes View Post
Well everyone first I truly feel sorry for all of you who have to deal with this oxycontin BS. But, and I know everyone is going to scream at me, but maybe it's a god sent in disguise. About 6 years ago when I switched my whole team of doctors to what I have been told is the best orthopedic facility not just in the US but the world. Anyway the first thimg the pain doctor told me is and I quote him is "the first thing if you are going to be my patient I won't rx the oxycontin". He helped me go to something else overtime and just felt that drug is a good drug and works great but the addictiveness is so severe he truly has never seen anything like it. So maybe this is the time for all oxycontin users to switched to some other long last time release medication. Being truthfull Oxycontin is truly the best pain medication I have ever taken, it works fast, takes the pain away but just comes with to much risk. Please all think about it..

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