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Old 09-03-2010, 05:35 PM
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LordWood LordWood is offline
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Each person is different it seems you and gabbycakes are Very sensitive to higher pain meds effects. I do agree why most doctors don't prescribe it because usually they feel its to much for you. But some of us are in a different field from you where even Dilaudid, Oxycontin and Methadone are not enough. Then to make things even worse we lose the power of Oxycontin in a decision to hit the addicts and caring less about the actual most important people the patients. Sadly thing is there so stupid because addicts are going to still abuse it so the only ones there hurting are us the users that are actually prescribed. To switch peoples meds and make something that not only is weaker but making a lot sick on top of there troubles all ready, is horrendous and mistreatment of the patients well being. I know people just like you and gabby that are sensitive and some even more to the point even very weak ones make them sick as hell. But you cannot regulate what others should do unless you have been in their shoes.
Purdue screwed up big time and someones gonna sue them over the fact of making them sick and misleading info. Purdue will regret there decision in time.

As a side note to those that were on the Oxy and are having trouble now with these worthless OPs my recommendation would be to switch to Dilaudid or Methadone. Dilaudid in higher amounts is a wonderful med.

Originally Posted by SandyRI View Post
I am with Gabby - My docs have never prescribed it for me for the same reason - they felt it was just way too addictive. So I've never tried it.

I was on 75 mcg of Fentanyl for 9 months (100 mcg for a short period when my head was a real mess). In my haste to get off of it I made myself sick as a dog. I truly hope NEVER AGAIN to have to go on the stuff. I think I am long over the acute phase of my RSD and have settled into the forever "cold" chronic stage. I get ketamine infusions on a regular basis which have made a difference in a lot of my symptoms - but, I will never be "normal." I still need pain relief on a regular basis.

The most I am willing to consider now on is Fiorcet for head pain and an occasional oxycodone if things are really bad (which doesn't do much for me). Amazingly enough, after years of heavy meds, I have found that 800 mg of Motrin is is actually a pretty good pain reliever. Especially if taken with a caffeinated beverage which gets it into the system quicker.

Have a nice weekend everyone, XOXOX Sandy
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