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Old 02-11-2007, 12:24 AM
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First off I beg of you to forgive me. For not responding sooner. I lost my sister several years ago, she was in her 30's and was hit by a drunk driver while walking.

I am 48 years old now but we were 10 months apart. We were like 2 peas in a pod. We were very, very close. When I saw De's photo's my sister looked soo much like your lovely De, it put me in shock.

When my sister went to a better place it was like my heart had been ripped out totally from under me. I want you to know only God gave me the strength to even brush my teeth, even though I was mad at him.

I care very deeply about you. I totally undestand infact I miss her very much still today. Even though we don't know each other real well, their is a bond with this medical hell, if not alot more. Be very good to you right now. Love, Roz
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