Thread: Vascular Issues
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Old 02-11-2007, 11:37 AM
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Dear Vicc,

I went to a private clinic. Before I went into the chamber my husband told the operator just go down some feet, I can't recall what the exact words he used to him. But I believe he stated no more than 15 feet.

But for at least the first 15 min. I was doing very well. Able to read even. About 25 min. into the session I felt very shortness of breath. My husband believes they took me to 30 feet. Because it took the operator a bit of time before I could get out of their.

About 24 hours after the session I had bruises everywhere. The Doc who owns the clinic said I had to get a Spiral CT and stated he thought I had a pulmonary embolism. But the CT was neg- for a blood clot. The Doc who owns the clinic gave me a full refund without even asking for one.

I went to my reg. Internal Med Doc. who put the oxygen close pin on my finger, when I was sitting down. My husband told the Doc to walk with me with the oxygen clothes pin. My oxygen levels went way below the norm. In fact the Doc thought it had come off my finger, until he looked down and saw the placement was still their.

So I was reffered to a Pulmonary Doc. who insisted I go thru complete testing. The test showed my oxygen levels down to 77. cont...
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