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Old 09-18-2010, 09:08 AM
AnnieB3 AnnieB3 is offline
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AnnieB3 AnnieB3 is offline
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I know it stinks not knowing what is going on with your body. I hope it isn't something too serious.

Did anyone tell you to take methylcobalamin at the same time as the Pred during Bells Palsy? Doubt it. Many studies show that people recover much faster with B12. Any kind of peripheral nerve damage can be made better with higher doses of sublingual (under the tongue) B12.

What many doctors don't think about when someone has muscle twitching is the endocrine system. When electrolytes are off, for whatever reason, the body can have all sorts of problems. Hyper- or hypoparathyroidism can cause an imbalance in calcium and vitamin D, for example. Do you have a good internist? Can they run a comprehensive metabolic panel? That would include things like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, kidney and liver functions, albumin, CO2, etc.

Vitamin D is a very common deficiency. It can cause all sorts of problems. And it is a blood test that doctors are getting more used to running due to how much it happens.

Sometimes it can be a drug causing the problem too. I wouldn't do the "synthetic" thyroid hormones. I use NatureThroid and really like it. It's made from pigs, so if you have any issues with that it wouldn't be a good alternative. Have they rechecked your thyroid (probably not since it doesn't sound like they did a thorough check to being with)? Did they run the thyroid antibodies to make sure it isn't an autoimmune attack on the thyroid?

I think it may be time for you to seek out an endocrinologist for a second opinion. If you can, find a private endocrinology group. Some endos are amazing and will be very thorough. Sometimes, like in an HMO, they do as few tests as possible.

Symptoms like the ones you are having are rarely all in your head. Bells Palsy often occurs in people with autoimmune diseases! You have to trust your instincts about your health. Maybe your wife should read up a bit on your symptoms and possible causes. Sometimes people pooh-pooh what they don't understand or don't want to deal with.

The other possibility is a rheumatology condition. A good internist can run some basic testing to rule in or out conditions.

I hope you will not get discouraged and keep trying to figure this out. I doubt it's "nothing" and you know your body best. If you can, write down every single little symptom you are having, when it started, etc. You would be amazed at how much we ignore about our health because we don't want to be sick! You may be surprised at what you see on that page of symptoms! I always do that when there is anything new and I'm not "getting it" yet. Like yesterday when I couldn't figure out why I had bumps popping up on my body. Who knew that food manufacturers would need to put GLUTEN in with tortilla chips that contain corn? So I had glutened myself and wasn't even immediately aware of it and I've had celiac disease for six years. I was hungry, damn it!

I think you need a doctor, or two, who will take your seriously. I hate when they throw drugs at a patient without thoroughly investigating what is going on. Oh, if you want to try the methyl-B12, I get mine at

I hope you can get some help. Please let us know how you are doing. Try not to be hard on yourself or your wife. Not knowing why something is going on can be hard for everyone to deal with. Maybe go catch a good comedy or do something else fun to temporarily relax your mind and immune system.

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