YOU are not a failure. But, Houston, we do have a problem.
Or aren't you old enough to get Apollo 13 humor?
You need help right away, whatever is going on. I doubt you would say on your deathbed that you were so glad you put school ahead of you, or your health.
Yeah, I thought it might be folliculitis. Now you need to be on the lookout for any gastrointestinal problems. The very SECOND you do, if you do, you have to go in. Why? Because it could be Clostridium Difficile.
You didn't ask for MG. And you certainly didn't ask to have a difficult case of it where you need a lot of drugs. They are messing with your normal intelligence. And Pred might be causing some glucose/insulin issues. Have they checked that recently? Maybe ask them to prescribe a glucose monitor so you can check your glucose when you feel "off."
You don't want F's on your transcripts. You might want to think seriously about dropping right now due to health reasons. Up to you. I know you like to think you're Superman.
I hope you'll go to your doc about the reaction. If it's bruising, it can be a serious one like a clotting problem.
Hope it all works out okay.