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Old 02-15-2007, 12:11 AM
cindyj cindyj is offline
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cindyj cindyj is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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15 yr Member

Hi all, thanks for the great support!
GBSB---thank you soooo much for the recliner idea!!I spent the 1st night in bed and the rest of the nights in the recliner.If i sleep in bed i can't get my breath when i get up in the morniing.3 days ago i started sleeping in bed again and made out pretty well the 1st 2 nights.Last night I dont know what happened but I woke up in agony this morning and it felt like it was day3 post op all over again.I had a very rough day so tonight i am back to the recliner.As for the surgical report, I guess the surgeon will tell me everything when i see him in 6 weeks(if i ever get my appt.His ofice was suposed to call me with an appt date,they havent so i have called twice and left a message and they havent called back) I have no trouble getting any of my reports as my family doctor will give me access to anything i need.When i saw my family doc on friday she didnt have a report from the hospital yet though.
I am still having a few palpitations but nothing near as bad as what they were so it must have been TOS related. Did most of you have congestion in your lungs for several weeks postop? When I try to take a very deep breath it feels like rumbling in the upper part of my lung on the surgery side.I have been taking my inhalers because I had congestion that felt like rumbling in the bottom of my lungs, but it feels like the same rumbling feeling in the top. I was just wondering if this is normal?
I have tried cutting back on my pain meds twice and ended up in misery,so I guess its too soon to be cutting back yet. I still don't understand what they were thinking by only giving me the same dose of pain meds post op that i have been taking for 2 years at home. I could see them continuing to give me my regular meds because my body is used to them, but they should have also given me something for surgical pain! I have had a ton of surgeries and they usually put me on dilaudid or something similar for at least 2-3 days post op. My body is so used to the morphine it felt like they were giving me nothing.
Rachael one thing I want to say is ,as far as surgeons go you are in very good hands with dr. bethune.He is an excellent surgeon. I believe most of my troubles came from a lack of communication. Since my surgery i have heard alot of people saying that it is the resident who orders your post op meds and that they only go by the book..I am wondering if he looked at my chart and saw what i was taking and mistakenly thought they are what dr. bethune ordered for me for post op.
Also rachael, if you dont need alot of notice before your surgery, call dr.bethunes office and ask to be put on the cancellation list.I cant work anymore so i told them i could come within a days notice. The winter months there are usually always cancellations so it might speed thingd up a little for you. Well i guess it's time to settle in the recliner for the night.May God bless each of you with his love,and healing touch. ((((hugs)))) to all of you, cindy
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