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Old 10-26-2010, 12:07 AM
loretta loretta is offline
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loretta loretta is offline
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Originally Posted by PopPop View Post
Every four weeks for the past six years I have visited the same pain mgt doctor and have always been in compliance with monthly drug tests. I'm on a low dose of time released morphine and 5/325 norco as needed for breakthrough pain from RSD in my shoulder and arm. The only true relief I get is from heat and use a heating pad about 12 hours a day and a battery operated shoulder brace with heat while working and away from home. I have tried all the blocks, spinal cord stimulator and other treatments with no luck. I wasn't diagnosed for three years after a major fall which resulted in three open shoulder surgeries. I'm too young for a total shoulder replacement which they won't do until I'm in my 60's for fear of wearing it out and you only get one good shot at securing it to your scapula. I want to know if anyone has had any luck with Soma (Carisoprodol), for muscle spasms and cramps. I have tried Flexeril and Baclofen. The Flexeril wiped me out and the Baclofen gave no relief. When I asked my doc about Soma he brushed it aside by saying it was habit the opiods I'm on are not? I have an upcoming appointment and am seeking advice on how to persuade him to at least let me give it a try. On med refill days he runs everybody through the clinic as fast as possible because he has a lot of patients. Has anybody out there had any luck with Soma? My shoulder feels like it is in a total cramp all the time which is why heat helps. Thanks
Hi PopPop, So sorry for your shoulder issues. My first sign of RSD was frozen shoulder following breast surgery and another tumor in arm pit. I wasn't diagnosed with RSD, but was sent to physical therapy to get range of motion back. Very painful, taking pain meds before therapy and it took a year of therapy, and I also did massage therapy prior to physical therapy. I did have spasms and was put on neurotin for nerve pain. I also practiced stretching exercises at home every day. One tool was a styrofoam cylinder 6 inches round by 4 ft. would lay on it and move from side to side for stretching between shoulder blades. Also used those thin rubber bands about4 inches wide to do stretching.
About 6 months into physical therapy and massagae therapy, my Rehab Dr. sent me to Orthopedic Surgeon, who wanted to operate and break things open to speed things along-I said no thank you and after another 6 months, had nearly full range and was in 'remission' (Didn't know I had RSD for 4 years)
The therapist told me it might go over to the other shoulder. Had remission for a year plus, then it did go into opposite shoulder. More therapy and another remission. While water skiing my hand nerves pulled and was misdiagnosed, then diagnosed with RSD -therapy, but only got 50% usage of hand. Now have full body and internal, but mobile except partial one hand. I still stretch every day and exercise and hope my mobility continues.
I have not had Soma so can't comment on it. Something that helped me besides heating pad, was those bean sacks that you put in microwave and heat up.
It's been 15 years now and I use vicodin and lorazepam. Lorazepam is an anti-anxiety med and it relaxes me and rarely have spasms. Also use 2 high blood pressure meds, seroquel xr for sleep and cymbalta for anti-depressant and nerve pain.
Have you ever used the machine that warms up wax and is used for hands and feet. Could you use it on shoulder and arm. When it cools, it peels of easily.
I still love massage therapy,even use it on myself during a sinus infection to release the swollen sinus and swollen lymph glands.
Hope this helps a little. I did take 3200 mg of neurotin when I was having electric shocks, jerks, spasms. It did stop the symptoms. Didn't like the weight gain and sleepiness, and gradually went off. For the most part, don't have the symptoms any longer.
Take care, loretta
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