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Old 10-26-2010, 01:10 PM
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Default Hi Saffy are you my twin?!

Originally Posted by Saffy View Post
I am also very humbled by some of the things I have already read on this forum and I think I've found my bolt hole for when things get me down and my smiley place for when I want to share my good days.

I'm a 49 year old Mum, with a husband of 25 years. We have two children, both girls .. Hannah, who is 22 and Hollie, 18 .. both still living at home.

To cut a very long story short re. my medical problems that made me seek you guys out ..

In 2004 I stood up from sitting down on sofa at home and something in my back "went". By the following day I could hardly walk.

I had three "slipped disks" ... The severe spasm eventually calmed down until a couple of years later and I ended up having a discectomy on my lumbar spine.

I now have what they term "Failed Back Syndrome" and have been on so many different medications that I think I may rattle.

Here's the list for anyone interested ..

Diclofenac 50mg Upset stomach
Codeine 30mg Not much relief
Dihydrocodeine ? Not much relief
Citalopram 10mg No help
Naproxen 500mg No help
Tramadol 50mg Nightmares!
Buprenorphine 5mg Not much relief
Pregablin 75mg Oedema
Gabapentin 100mg Oedema
Zomorph 10mg Not much relief
Lidocaine plasters No relief whatsoever
Tegretol Retard 200mg Oedema
Oxcarbazepine 150mg Oedema

I am currently taking:

Movicol .. 4 sachets per day for constipation
20mg Targinact 12 hour release 3 times daily
75mg Amytryptilline at night to try and aid sleep
15mg Diazepam for continual back spasms
40mg Fluoexatine
150mg Rantidine twice a day

and a partridge in a a pear tree!

The good news is that I have been offered a trial for a Spinal Cord Stimulator. This after two appointments with Pain Clinic and a referral for a
2nd opinion to a neuro surgeon.

I have an appointment with the Specialist Nurse on the 8th November and then the Clinical Physcologist on the 16th .... after that, I hope it's a GO, GO, GO .. and just a wait for funding, as sadly I cannot have this done privately, as my private health insurance doesn't cover this as it is not a "cure" as such.

I have pain in my lower baclk and severe sciatic pain in my left buttock down through my left left to the knee, sometimes taking me unaware (at the worst possible times) and going straight down to my big toe! (Not good when you are trying to drive)

I've gone from being someone who would run rather than walk, could dance all night .. and was so sociable. To someone who can only hobble .. and uses crutches, is insecure and frightened .. but can still smile !

I've loads more to say, don't think this is just it .. but I just thought I'd give a quick introduction.

[So .. hello everyone .. I'm really glad I found this site. Although I will read through most of this, where do you think "I belong" .. group wise?
Hi Saffy

Welcome to this brilliant site. Im not far from you. I live in Dublin Ireland. BUt let me tell you when I read your introduction it was like reading MY OWN. ITs amazing how similiar we both are. I too got up of the sofa in Feb 2005 and 'something went in my back' In my LEFT BUTT and down my left leg and some of my right leg. I couldnt walk the next day either and had to have a discetomy in April and continued on to have 2 spinal fusions between L4 to S1...all to no good. I too was told I had 'Failed Back Syndrome' I have just turned 50 in May and was a VERY active woman. I had a job in the bank and I LOVED walking, socialising. Meeting friends for lunch/dinner. Basically I was leading a normal active life. My children (ive 4) are grown up so I was enjoying life. SO I know exactly how you feel too.
I was sent to a Pain Clinic and from there after numerous injections, patches, Rhizotomies, etc it was suggested I have the SCS. SO I had mine implanted in Aug only a newbie where its concerned. Its giving me about 50% relief with the burning/stabbing in my legs. Doesnt help me much with the pain in my back, well not yet, Im hoping when the leads have scarred in that I can get it to ease some of the pain. AT the minute I have to turn it up high to do that but sometimes its too uncomfortable.
I really hope that you get the trial done soon and that YOU too will be able to get the SCS and get some/all relief from your daily pain.

Its great that you found this site, and believe me you wont be disappointed. Everyone is so friendly and supportive. You can ask any questions and believe me there will be lots of people only too happy to answer them.

So read all the threads you can and then if there is something else you would like to know just ask

Look forward to getting to know you Saffy

take care

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