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Old 11-06-2010, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Jo*mar View Post
Many that had the surgery describe it as feeling like being hit by a big truck for a week or 2.
So many things are moved around during the surgery to get access that it is all over upper body pain I think, I don't recall anyone mentioning "bone pain" specifically. Just hurts everywhere for awhile.

plenty of pillows, recliner- many sleep in it for awhile after they get home as they can't lie down flat in bed, prepared meals in freezer, lots of fluids, take meds on time so pain stays under control.. all tips for recovery time

there's a couple threads with surgery tips -you can use the forum search to find them.
If you need help locating more info let us know here in your thread and someone can search for it and post the links.

That be great I'd you could point me in the direction of a forum. How bad is the pain tho? Should I talk to my doctor or anestesthia prior to sugery. I am really concerned that he doesn't understand my struggle right after surgery
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