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Old 09-17-2006, 08:50 AM
J2636s J2636s is offline
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J2636s J2636s is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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15 yr Member

I have a feeling most of you are fairly young who posted here. Why? rather ultra-liberally biased. So, here are , IMHO, a few comments on each of the topics.............

No one who saw other attacks on this country "moved on." They fought. As a result, we are still here. Try your history ( if it was ever taught to you): Revolutionary War, WWII are major ones which come to mind. A coalition kept everyone from finishing what was started in Desert Storm in the 90s ( let's be kind and not mess w/Iraq) Where did it get us? We are now cleaning up someones mess years later.

Seems people forget:

1) The military is there since they enlisted of free will ( in old censuses, you will find every male from 16 to 45 was required to list in case there was a need for troops, and for WWI every male born from the 1880s on was required to register for the draft, as was every male 18 or older until recently) We should be very proud of those who CHOOSE to serve this country.

2) The protesters and naysayers are mostly middle aged 1960's leftovers who never outgrew the 60s. ( or got elected then and haven't changed an iota of their brain cells lineup since: think Teddy K.) They still think we are in Vietnam...muyst never have had geography.

3) What would you call the treatment of Americans and Westerners by the gropups of jihadists? polite and according to the Geneva Convention? They should be treated exactly as they treat our people - and their own who are trying to builld govts.
Politicians? Another party? it will help? Multiple parties nearly destroyed this country in its infancy. At times, they never got anywhere near a passing vote!

FWIW, an independent (Ross Perot) is the only reason Clinton got elected the 2nd time. Splittting the vote more w/add'l parties is no solution. ( Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you. I didn't vote Clinton the second time. Anyone w/the moniker Slick Willy should have been a clue)

Candidates run because they can afford to. Did you ever see a middle class higher office politician? Local, yes. Anywhere else, no. You want better politicians? Find people who really know politics and are neutral to both factions. PLUS: You cannot "kiss up" to every loony toon group and add their agenda to yours w/out diluting your message... that is the nature of the beast of current politics.

9/11? To those who dohn't know: The rules have changed in NY State recently on health. Read up. (BTW, I have several family members who were there for 5 mos dealing w/the aftermath


For all the bull on "what really happened" , ask those who were there about getting hit with bodies falling from the sky. It needs to be shown, over and over. It shouldn't be sanitized. People forgot too soon.

And let's not believe phoney fictitious "documentary" films like those of Mikey moore. Are you really so feeble minded you thingk he is for real? And the newer one lining up the President as assinated? What MANIAC ever made that and WHO let it out? How sick is that?
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