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Old 12-09-2010, 06:26 AM
mavrick70004 mavrick70004 is offline
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mavrick70004 mavrick70004 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default new and seeking..... anything

Im sorry for the long intro but i think it helps to vent and who knows even the smallest detail could help.

I hit the back of my head at work on Oct 4. i was under a piece of machinery and went to stand up and caught the back of my head ( little above my left ear) on the corner of the machine. i did not pass out or see stars or any of that. i rubbed my head and 20 min later completly forgot that it had even happened. Two days later i woke up and it felt like someone had hit me in the back of my head but i did not know why. i got sudden nausea and lightheadedness so i layed down and fell back asleep for about 2 hours. i woke up and felt fine so i got in the car and started driving to my parents house. middle of the freeway i got lightheaded and ( i know now ) got a anxiety attack. i made it to my gf's grandmas house and from there it went downhill. while there i almost passed out and almost threw up and probably had a couple more anxiety and panic attacks since i had no clue what was going on. At this point the thought of dying crossed my mind and in turn made my anxiety even worse, not to mention the fact that the people around me were secretly freaking out and i could tell. i finally made it to the car and we went to the ER. Just being in the ER made me feel much better and After blood work and a cat scan (told them i hit my head) the doctor told me i was healthy as a horse and it was probably due to the fact i was not getting enough sleep. Slept ALOT for the next week and then returned to work feeling much better ( DUH i had just slept the whole week haha) continued to work ( which involves me lifting heavy packages and im a hard worker so i break a sweat every night) and was feeling better day by day. That thursday i had a symptom relapse with extreme thirst ( figured i was dehydtrated) finished up work and went home to sleep. This is the day that i consider my "injury" date becasue after this all my symptoms came into effect. went back to the ER on friday with more blood work and i was still helathy, this time it was post concussion syndrome. At the beggining i was in bed with all the symptoms dizzy, nausea, headache, light and sound sensitive, could barely walk without feeling very unbalanced, stuffy foggy head, anxiety, panic attacks you name it i probably had it ( except vertigo never had that ). at this point it was just me my bed and my iphone, i think we all know where this lead haha. The cons of self-researching outweighed the pros, while researching i diagnosed myself with derealization ( the looking through thick glass, fishbowel over your head ). what i was feeling started making sense since i really thought i was going to die a couple times and have a history of small anxiety. I wish i never read that becuase the symptoms are so vague they can be linked to anytime you are feeling spacey or disconnected. as i read the symptoms i would ask myself "does this pencil seem real to me?" and then i would study the pencil ( while at the same time still feeling spaced out) and of course the answer is "No, actually it dosnt seem real" and then i would do that throughout the day to different situations and objects. so in a sense i believe i gave myself "dereaization" which stemed off the effects of a concussion. I was off work for about a month but they where very cool about it and becasue of my job position i have unlimited sick days so i actually got paid while i was at home the whole time, which i believe helped me tremendously. i was unable to drive and was completly dependent on other people ( which is somthing that is completly opposite of the kind of person in am ). Sounds very depressing so far right? well here comes the good parts. Since i was stuck at home researching it gave me the time to finally tur my attention to ME instead of everything else. I changed my eating habits and strengthened the way i look at the human body. eating healthy non-processed foods and juicing veggies and fruits became a daily thing and i started to look closer at eastern medicine since as most of us know western medicine wants to give you a pill to fix the symptoms and when you ask questions thay start with "why" there answer is they dont know and there is still so much they do not know about the human body. The dizzy, nausea, and sensitvity resolved on their own and slowly diminsihed.

One morning i was lying in bed and i took my gf's tempurpedic pillow after she went to work, i rested my head on it and with a big exhale my body completly relaxed and sunk into the mattress, at this time i had my first recovery. I heard and felt four small weird sounds in the back of my neck ( kind if like someone was crumpling paper) afer that it felt as if i was being rocked back and forth and then i got dizzy, all while lying down and my eyes closed. i knew it was somthing significant but i forced myself back to sleep. when i woke up everything looked different, lines were sharper and corners were more defined it seemed, it felt as if i was noticing small details and then also retaining the memory. even today i still remember the white paint chiping off a garage door which was green underneath, and the brunette hispanic lady who was driving the green or blue suv pass me as i was doing my daily walk. after this all i could do it ask why. what was in the neck that could have possibly caused this, i still have no answers, misaligned vertabrae maybe im not sure. looking back its hard to remember just how fuzzy and foggy i was but i know that it got a little bit better that day. nothing really changed to much for a couple weeks, got a better appetite possibly. I returned to work but ended up back in the ER from a pretty bad anxiety and panic attack, it was just too overwhelming and i started questing myself and looking back to when i was able to supervise my guys and do my paperwork all at the same time, then i started thinking about what a huge task it was just to do the paperwork portion and i threw myself into an anxiety attack. i was put on modified duty and was behind a desk for two weeks.

When you get better little by little it is VERY hard to notice your progress.
My current situation is a much better outlook. im driving myself around again, back to full work, rarely get headaches and again had a recovery a few days ago which is the main reason i came to this forum. I was suffering from a cold a few days prior and was almost done getting over it, i had a follow up with my PCP and told him the only symptom i had left was a constant foggy/spacey head feeling (derealization) and all the symptoms that i had written down to ask him about had gone away. he told me that the feeling will go away in time. for some reaosn that day i was extra spacey and i actually wondered how i managed to drive myself there and back home. i went to work after and this is when somthing happened, i was "floating" around work feeling VERY tired and VERY spacey and just wanted to close my eyes. Then out of nowhere i swallowed (sp?) and my right ear popped ( like when you in an airplane) and everything i heard was more full and clearer. immediatly following i got a bad earache for about two min. and i kept feeling as if somthin was coming out of my ear but there wasnt anything. over the next 2 hours my spacey feeling diminished greatly and my energy went up greatly. At this point i thought maybe inner ear problem? so i asked my PCP for a referall but he said he thought i didnt need to see a specialist and that i could have ETD and to take sudafed. SO thats where i am right now and am curious about other peoples thoughts and ideas. It feels like it takes 2x more energy for me to keep my eyes in focus and when i relax and let my eyes shift out of focus and just do the blank stare it makes my brain feel good haha if that makes sense. going to work helps me keep my mind off things and gives me things to focus and concentrate on, but there is always a lil somthin that feels "off" lingering in my head, hard to explain but i trust you guys know what feeling im talking about. So my brain is offically fried now after typing all that but it definelty felt good to type it all out. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, im probably forgeting somthing but i need to sleep now
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