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Old 12-09-2010, 03:00 PM
Raycerguy1 Raycerguy1 is offline
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Raycerguy1 Raycerguy1 is offline
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I am glad I ran across your post. I have been struggling with such bizarre symptoms since August. My heart was racing when I ate, i was not sleeping, started to have anxiety and started losing weight. I ended up getting my Gallbladder out and as a result developed a pelvic abscess after surgery. Well after that I developed a surging feeling in my body, anxiety, tingling in my feet and hands and eventually depression. through a lot of testing it was discovered that my b12 level was 172. nobody did anything about it until i brought it up to my endocrinologist. She has me taking sublingual B12 which I am not sure is working since I take prilosec. I also wonder if my folic acid is low too. i am waiting for my new b12 results to see if anything is improved. It has been the most devastating, difficult thing I have ever endured. without my faith I dont think I could have made it. I have been so miserable I can hardly stand it. it has been torture. I would love to hear how you have progressed since your last post.

Originally Posted by mskitty View Post
Hi everyone, i had tears in my eyes as i read all your symptoms. Thank you for being so detailed. It's so important for us to share. I feel like my symptoms will never go away. I have been doing 1000 cc's every 4-6 days for about 2 months. I have celiac disease, pernicious anemia, and atrophic gastritis.

I was taking Prevacid for 10 years. No doctor told me to ever keep an eye out on my stomach. The Prevacid only aided in my atrophic gastritis.

My symptoms: dizziness, heart palpitations, numbness, back of the head is numbs, feet numbmess and legs, vision is blurry and i am unstable when i walk.
My symptoms have gotten better. I have had some better days and have been able to eat a little bit more with an appetite. But i still lost 12 lbs. I have stabalized.

I was prescribed Carafate too. I am better than what I was, but anything was better than that. I too went to the ER and under went all the tests. Thank God that Dr. Fayad, was wonderful and immediately got me on b12 injections. But i do see the resistance with B12 testing amongst doctors. I also have a homeopathic doctor who is big into b12 and folic acid. my levels were at 140. I am not sure where i am at now. but i am just trying to listen to my body and when i think i need the b12 shot i take it.

You are not alone-I too want the depression to go away, I want to be myself like I was, strong, active, and zooming about. But it has been so slow to get better. I sometimes feel like I am taking too much b12, but at this point I am taking it and it seems to make me feel better. I am not anything like I was before this b12 crash, not even close. But I am just a little bit better.

Neuropathy, i don't know if it will all come back. I haven' t seen a neurologist yet. My doctors seem to think it will come back. Every thing i read seems to point to a year-to years of recovery.

I have read that the methyl b12 might be better to absorb. I know I don't absorb the b12-i am on a gluten free diet. i am still drinking milk. i hear that you all take the sublingual b12.. i am not sure if that will work for me if i have pernicious anemia and i don't absorb b12. maybe someone could respond.

REmember you are not alone. If your doctor doesn't want to check your b12 levels get another doctor. there are good doctors out there who are big on b12.. find one. i know you can. take control of your health. there is hope. i will keep reporting on how i feel.
have hope!
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