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Old 02-20-2007, 04:04 PM
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The two following quotes are some that really stood out to me from that article:

The principle explains that we create our own circumstances by the choices we make in life. And the choices we make are fueled by our thoughts—which means our thoughts are the most powerful things we have here on earth.
Michael says that thoughts—which turn into experience, speech and behavior—become the "feeling tone of your life." "An individual can actually begin to generate a certain feeling of gratitude, of love, of peace and of harmony, and the universe will begin to match that feeling tone—and what will flow into your life will match the feeling that you're holding," he says. "It means that everyone…can release themselves from being a victim and begin to take control of their life's destiny."

Hi Bizi, and all...

I haven't been around here much lately, but I do check in and read. As always, you all are in my thoughts and prayers. This topic is a great place for me to jump in and tell you guys how I've been doing.

As far as this movie goes, I had never heard of it, but the concept they are talking about in the article is something I truly believe in. I hadn't always felt this way though. I have found, with the help of a great therapist, that I am way more valuable then I ever gave myself credit for. I used to beat myself down with negative thoughts all the time. My therapist set the ball in motion by pointing out all the positive things about me. At first, I was thinking, yeah, yeah...whatever... It took awhile to sink in, but it has nonetheless. Every time I would get down on myself, my therapist would come back with an alternative view, a positive one.

He helped me to realize that I am not "ill." My thoughts, feelings and actions were/are a result of the way I was raised and things that happened to me when I was a child, that were out of my control. I was, and still am, seriously lacking life skills. But, I'm learning them now. There is nothing pathologically wrong with my brain. My feelings and actions are not "abnormal" - and in fact, are quite "normal" given the experiences I've been through. How can you put a label on that, when it's something so highly individualized? What I really realized, is that I DO have control over myself now. My life is in my own hands. I have to think about where I want my life to go - imagine it, and know that it is possible. What is life without hope?

What I am about to say is not intended as advice at all, but just what works for me. In a couple of months, I will be off all meds, and no longer seeing a psychiatrist. I'm in the process of slowly tapering off them now, and so far, so good. I've been reading a lot of things lately about the big pharma companies and their ties to psychiatry. I feel like I was used as a lab rat for 8 years - with two solid years of being a totally non-functioning zombie. But, I can't focus on that because it serves no purpose, I can't change what happened - but I CAN decide what will happen next.

I am so very thankful that I found my therapist when I did. It's therapy, not meds, that have helped me, finally. My therapist is experienced, kind, compassionate, open and non-judgemental. He does "Client Centered Therapy" - that is, no certain "type" of therapy based on a diagnosis. It's much more individualized than that, and I lead the therapy. There is a very tight therapist/client alliance. It's really wonderful, I love it.

Well, I guess that's enough for now. I do tend to ramble! HUGS to everyone!

Spirituality cannot be taught, only learned from, witnessed and experienced. It cannot be forced but must be entered into gently, and only when ready. It waits for you and not you for it.
It is old yet ageless, for the Spirit is eternal.
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