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Old 12-21-2010, 05:54 AM
gabbycakes gabbycakes is offline
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gabbycakes gabbycakes is offline
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Originally Posted by Fairlight View Post
i've battled fibromyalgia since i was twelve but only diagnosed a few years ago. being fed up with the weight that the lyrica had packed on i started jogging in april. a few days later i could bear weight on my leg. i pushed on. it got worse. i was working in a nursing home. i spent all day walking, lifting and squatting and the pain was unbearable. finally the dr told me i had pulled something. i got a full three days to rest. then back to work. it got worse. i'd slip off by myself and cry or vomit from pain. co workers said that i needed to suck it up. i insisted that the pain was worse so my dr sent me for an mri. a week later i'm told that i had an inch wide fracture in my shin. so i had to stop working. after a few months it just wasn't healing right. i wore a bone simulator. my leg just hurt and felt weird. btw this whole time i'm in so much pain i'm taking lyrica and tylenol. that's it. i endured a nerve conduction study with a jerk who yelled at me because i couldn't flex my quad with a needle shoved in it. nothing. physical therapy, nothing. then the dr just shrugs and says if we leave it alone long enough it'll get better. so in october i come crawling back in extreme pain with hot and cold water feelings and creeping. he suggests a nerve block. it worked for about four hours. then the pain came flooding back. he has given up on me and refered me back to my family dr. she has me set to see a nero but they pushed it back another month. now its spreading to my back in an old work injury and creeping down my arm. the same side that i'm forced to use a cane on. now the dr and the pharmacy can't work together to get my lyrica. i know ppl that whine about a simple strain and they throw pills at them. i'm in so much pain that i cry and loose my temper and can't work and they won't give me anything. i'm coming unglued. i need a place to be understood.
Dear Fairlight,

So sorry to here you are suffering. It sounds like you just might not be with the correct doctors. My suggestion is to try and get to a Pain Managment Facility, possilby with a big teaching hosptial. I see you live in TN maybe Vanderbelt in Nashville I believe they are medical teaching facility.

I hope this helps. Feel better.

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