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Old 01-12-2011, 09:45 AM
wswells wswells is offline
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wswells wswells is offline
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Originally Posted by SandyRI View Post
Hi Wendy,

I've had 32 low dose out patient ketamine infusions since April 19th. I started with the 10 day protocol at Dr. Getson's in Marlton, NJ, and in Jul/Aug switched to a local doc in RI (WC court ordered) that has just recently started performing the infusions.

The biggest change for me is that I was able to get off the Fentanyl and Percocet within the first 6 weeks of starting the ketamine. I now take Fiorcet for headaches (I also have a triptan - Frova - for when I get migraines, which is much less often than before). It was my choice to go off the heavy pain meds, no doctor told me that I had to do it. I also returned to my FT job after a year's sick LOA in June (YAY!!).

Meds that I still take include Topamax, Cymbalta, Clonodine, Skelaxin and Ambien at bedtime. I tried to wean off the Topamax but I had trouble with my head. Occasionally I will take an oxycodone at night for my head, but not during the day when I am working. And I find that I am OK with that, the Fiorcet works fine. I also still use a lot Lidoderm patches and Voltaren gel. I have a script for a new med called Nucynta and I use that when the Fiorcet isn't enough for my head pain at work, I haven't noticed any noticeable impact from it yet.

The bad days and nights are still there at times, and I am always looking for ways to make things better. Stretches for my neck are really important, watching how I use my arms is really important, taking care of myself and getting enough sleep is really important. I went on a very low dose birth control pill because it seemed that my migraines were hormonally related, and I think that it has made a difference. And I exercise religiously - I am convinced that my long daily walks have played a huge role in keeping me mobile and reducing my RSD symptoms. As the ketamine decreases my pain levels, I have tried to conciously use my arms a little more, to increase my mobility. I think I've gotten some use back, not much, but maybe some....

I am really happy to be off the heavy opiods - I am so much more alert and capable! And I just FEEL better!

Have your doctors told you why you are not a candidate for ketamine? If you were to become a candidate, do you know whether your insurance would cover it?

If you have any other questions, please let me know. Good luck to you, XOXOX Sandy
,Sandy, WOW 32 treatments, and you still have pain, Thats what I just don't understand, I know the crappy feeling of being on certain meds.

I take 3 Norco, 2 soma, 4 heart meds, and Trazadone each day and I hate the feeling,I've been on everything in the past, even IM demerol about 15 yrs ago, so I do feel better on what I am on now, but would just love to take only my heart meds.

Now can you explain to me the difference between the inpatient and the outpatient treatments.

I remember Kathy ( I think ) had just a nightmare of a time in the inpatient treatment with ketamine. That scares me. She said she even was hallucinating, what is that all about?

When you did your infusions did you feel that way also?

I loved and trusted Dr. S in Philly, but have read different stories about him lately, does he only do the ketamine now, because when I was up there both times yrs. ago he was using other meds in our blocks. I had to stay for a 2 week treatment plan both times with different blocks every day, and he also gave me a ton of meds enough to knock out a horse if I took what he had ordered. Now I hear he wants everybody off pain meds, do you know why?

My Dr. contacted him regarding the ketamine and he told her that I am too far along with the RSD and probably not get good results from them, maybe even aggrevate the RSD, does this sound strange to you, because it does to me.

Back to your treatments, how long do you have to keep doing these, or are you done?

Thanks for your answers and hope to hear back again, sorry for being an annoyance

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