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Old 09-17-2006, 01:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Curious View Post

my grandpuppy hasn't done much eating of things. he keeps getting bit by bugs. poor guy. he is recovering from a wasp sting.

give the little guy a hug from me. i'm glad his leash came up.
boxers are pretty delicate and always breaking out in hives. Benedryl works great for the swelling and itchies. I think the dose is 1 child benedryl.

I found out our local animal shelter gets many purebreds of different flavors a month. They used to kill them within 48 hrs, purebred or not. I've heard many sad tales about owners not getting the cell msg and their dogs were euthanized.

We had Thor chipped and got him a city license also. The animal control said the scanners don't always pick up the chip though. Everywhere I go (thor is also the drive thru ambassador in town) I hear heartbreaking stories where previous boxer owners had theirs stolen. Easy to steal - they are too damn friendly.

I have a friend in OR that will knock the bejeezus out of his rottie if he takes food from anyone in the family but him. He trains them to be poison proof. lol I sent him a dvd of burned Dog Whisperer shows to teach him a better way though

ps - thor just eats debri, or the occasional cell phone case (or phone) if you don't put it up. During remodeling, we'd catch him running away with a wad of insulation. More dangerous for him, but easier on the pocketbook than dogs that rip a couch to shreds when their owner isn't around. I should get a crate, but I don't have the heart to put him in prison. Much easier to take him bye bye with us or get our son to watch him.

Last edited by dorry; 09-17-2006 at 01:24 PM.
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