Originally Posted by SandyS
Hi Dawn,
Lindsay has not taken any opiads since she started the Dextro...It is compounded at a greater strength at the pharmacy. It takes the most of her burning pain away. She is only taking that and cymbalta. There is no codine in it either. There are always mixed messages with medications. But, it is working for my daughter at this point in time and I am very happy. The over the counter has alcohol in it. The compounded one does not. Therefore there is not side effects from it. She does get a little dizzy sometimes after she takes it. Hope this helps.
Hi Sandy,
So happy for Lindsay and you. As I've told you before I have a 16 yr. old and it's a killer when it's your child. I've been there also at one point.
Here's a big hug for Lindsay and you, truly congratulations.