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Old 01-27-2011, 02:00 PM
leford18 leford18 is offline
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leford18 leford18 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Cental TX. near Austin
Posts: 5
10 yr Member
Confused New mem have pn,dr.says i need scs

Glad to be here as a new member. Needed some advice. Jan 09 diagnosed with diabetic neuropaty. Started Metformin,tramadol, lyrica, cymbalta, nortryptylene,vicodin,for burning feet and hands in Feb. 09. Pain worsened. Nuerologist put me on Fentynyl Patches 100mcg every 24hrs. plus percset for breakthrough pain.Went to emergency rm 3 times.Pain so severe i wanted my legs cut off. this would have been a relief,Believe me. After 4 mos. told Doc something has been wrong. So Dr. changed me to Opana. Wrong thing to do,I went into withdrawls and in hospital for a week. Then 10 days later i had a breakdown and went to physiatric hosp. for a week. Doc there put me on Nuerontin or gabapentin. It was a miracle a drug that had been around for more than 30 yrs and took almost all of burning away. I was still taking percoset 7.5/325 and 10/325hydrocodon and 900mg nuerontin 3 times a day. This was so great.After exiting hospital May 29th 09 was doing fine in June.Also after every possible test known to man. They said every time I am normal. Even Bloodwork absolute normal and still is to this date.Anyway my Muscles started returning and was gaining wt. Life was Great!!! I thought

On Aug 7th 09 was going to pick up a trailer load oh hay,50 or 100 bales. I was in that good of shape. on the way another pickup hit me while i was doing 60mph broadside. totaled my truck&trailer. By the grace of God I wasnt killed. My neck was hurt the worse so next day went emergency room for ct scan,all ok.

Then my feet started burning on bottom,toes numb, hands and side of arms burn plus the sharp pains also but couldn't and still cannot squeeze either hand with any type grip. Got a new Nuerologist and he said I had to have pain management because he couldn't treat me. He tried amyltrptyline and it made me burn worse. So now for the past 5or6 mos. I have been taking 115mg morphine,1600mg gabapentin,0.5mg xanex,10/325 percoset for breakthrough pain. all these 3 times a day. I am still in pain. The Dr. knows this and just 2 days ago at visit he said you look terrible. He is forcing me to have a SCS or I stay the way i am.I asked him to show me some kind of proof of sucess in using SCS. He just says its my only option. So I'm desperate

I have done research on this and the SCS works great on spinal and other type injuries but not PN when it comes to just hands and feet. The possibility of loosing complete use of hands and feet is way to great. So I would like to know if anyone out there can enlighten me on this. I'd rather stay in constant pain than lose what use of my hands and feet that i have. I'm 57 yrs old and never had a sick day in my life.I have been a rancher the last 12yrs. and a commercial carpenter for 25yrs. before that until these past 2 yrs. Never been afraid of anything up until now.It's hard to take when you are told you will never work or drive again.

I'm glad to have found this site.Just what I've read so far I don't feel so alone anymore. It's hard to deal with when your family looks at you like your crazy because they can't see the pain. So Thank All of Ya'll !!
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