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Old 01-31-2011, 09:42 AM
Janke Janke is offline
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Janke Janke is offline
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Originally Posted by sl1029 View Post
Thanks for the replies! The attorney advises that he satisfied our original contract with him....he offered that we were now basically in a blackhole and that he would write a letter for us to SS (for an additional fee) but didn't know if it would be worth it, or what else could be done.

The judge's fully favorable award specifically noted that there were 2 UNSUCCESSFUL trial work periods that were to be covered by the backpay award period....and that he was currently in the midst of another trial work period. He received both backpay and an ongoing award.

We received the letter calculating the ongoing award amount, and it said that the backpay would be sent once they had confirmed that there were no other offsets. But there was nothing specific about SSI, and I understood that to be standard language.

We began receiving the ongoing award, as well as a stimulus check probably 30-60 days later.

We never applied for SSI for him, because of my income and his other resources....but I guess I might as well call and make sure that didn't somehow happen automatically....

What I don't understand is a) why the backpay was held up with no correspondence. Each time we called, we were told it was "processsing." and b) how SSDI staff can re-investigate something a judge has already ruled on.

Since I posted originally, we have confirmation that SSDI is asking for information from his unsuccessful work trial employers about that employment.

How do you get to speak with someone besides the window clerk at the SSDI office? The last time we were there, we asked and were told there was no one else we could speak to....which I knew wasn't true...but other than causing a scene, I didn't know how to get past that.

We are going to have our Senator's office open a constituent casework file on Tuesday...anyone think that will work?
You don't have to create scene in order to be able to talk to a supervisor. You can be insistant. Bring ALL correspondence that you have with you. Since this is your husband's case, he needs to be there too. I'd go early in the workday. Ask the supervisor what they are going to do and ask for a date to follow up. And follow up every week if necessary. Sometimes these cases involve manager to manager phone calls.
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