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Old 02-11-2011, 06:44 PM
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Default Frustrating Painful Day

Well...this was a very disappointing and painful day for me. Jeff, my boyfriend came with me, for which I am SO thankful. I am so frustrated. Here's a basic run down of the day:

Had a 10:20 appt in the McHenry office with the pain doc. Made this last Tuesday when the nurse called to follow up after my procedure. I told her all about how bad the back pain was and she said call tomorrow if it's still bad. I insisted on scheduling a follow up appt with the doc ASAP and she said the earliest was today at 10:20...a week and a half later than the day I was speaking to her. She confirmed and reconfirmed the date, time, and location with me 3 times. So I get there today and guess what? Apparently I have no appointment and am not on their sheet. WTF?! I explained that I made the appt on last Tuesday. She said they could probably fit me in but it might be as late as 1:00 and could we wait that long. Umm...I guess since I REALLY needed to see the doc. I sat down in a chair and just cried because I was in so much pain. Jeff asked what he could do and I asked him to get me a kleenex from the nurse. He did and "had words" with the lady at the window and I was put in a room immediately.

Nurse came in and took my vitals, etc. Heart rate was 144. She took my list of symptoms (quite extensive). Jeff helped to clarify that these all started AFTER the block and that I told the doc I was having back pain from the first from the first block. Nurse said that was crazy that he would do a second block after I had abnormal pain from the first. I agree but I left that decision to the doctor. Guess that was a bad move considering what I am suffering now.

So after quite a wait...the doc comes in. I tell him about the problems I have been having and that I am in the worst pain I have ever had. His response: let's get a blood test and then see me again next week. I asked what he thinks is wrong? Is it related to the block? Could it be menengitis? He wouldn't answer the first question. Said it doesn't have anything to do with the block and it's not menengitis. I asked how he knows this and he had no answer. My feeling is that he has done this procedure many times and never encountered this sort of problem and just doesn'tt have a clue what to do. That's Jeff's take as well.Referred me to a neurologist.

Then I asked about my ankle. What's the treatment plan now? Why can't I go back to the meds that actually gave me relief before? Why can't I get a TENS unit to help with the pain? real answers. He put me back on one of the old meds but wouldn't change the others. Told me to double up on one that I have already. I asked what the next step is if blocks aren't working? No answer.

Finally asked for work note. He says he'll give me a note for TODAY? Ummm...I can't walk, can't drive, can't see am I supposed to work. So he says he'll take me off until I see the neurologist on the 23rd. Gee...thanks doc. So then he walks out.

Jeff and I talk a bit in the room because I feel like this was a waste of time. I NEED relief from this pain NOW and this doc doesn't seem to give a crud that I am suffering SO much. So Jeff goes back out to a nurse and tells her to have the doc come back. Now Jeff takes over the talking. He tells the doc that we're thinking of going to the ER because I got NOTHING out of this visit and I am in SO much pain. He demands to know what the doc is thinking. Why a neurologist? How does he know that it's not related to the block? The only thing the doc said is that I am allowed to double the one pain med and get the new one. That should help. No other answers. At this point I intergect and tell the doc that I don't think he understands how much I am suffering. I said something I knew was risky...but true. I told him that at this point I am in so much pain that I just want to die. Not kill myself or anything...just die and be put out of my misery. He responds with "Don't joke about stuff like that because I may have to admit just drop it." Ummm...not JOKING. Am in AGONY and I don't think he is taking it seriously.

So then I ask about my heart rate because in his dictation over the phone he says my vitals are normal. A heart rate of 144 is NOT normal. His response: I don't deal with stuff like this...go to your regular doc. The nurse calls and gets me in immediately at primary doc.

Go out front to get work note, information on appt with neurologist, follow up appt info and prescriptions. None of these were ready and I had to request each individually. Incompetant...just the most ridiculous experience ever.

Head over to regular doc. HE puts me back on all my old pain meds that work. Tells me not to see the other pain doc again and to make an appt with the other pain clinic they referred me to. I called and left a message at the "new" pain doc to schedule and appt but so far no call back. My regular doc ran the blood test the current pain doc requested so at least I didn't have to go anywhere else for THAT. I'm keeping all my current appointments until after I see the "new" pain doc and can go from there.

Dropped off prescriptions at Walgreens on the way way to work to drop off the off work note and get is scanned and sent to all the appropriate people so I can continue to get paid. Go to pick up meds from pharmacy and work comp is holding up the important pain med. It's Friday...probably won't get that until next week some time. So won't be getting any relief from that. So where am I now? The same darn place I was before. Pain is getting worse and worse and worse...I may be dying...and no one cares. (I obviously don't include family and friends in that category...I'm talking about the doctors who are supposed to help people). So I guess I just have to suffer. And if the blood work comes back with no information then I get to continue to suffer until the 23rd where I see a neurologist.

What a frustrating, pointless, painful day. I'm SO glad Jeff was there with me. At least I got the work note finally. But now all I want to do is cry and not move for days.
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