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Old 02-21-2011, 04:36 AM is offline
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hello both Sandy & Bryanna.

I'm new to the forum but came here because I too am dealing with the issue you described Sandy.

Mine's basically your story... only on steroids....

I have a tooth that had been cracked and open for about a year. I take VERY good care of my teeth, but due to no dental insurance (cause my work cut it) and a large amount of Antibiotics as a child my teeth have very week/non existent enamel, I had to let it be and use temp filling from over the counter.

According to my doctor my "Mouth is an 8" on a scale of 1-10 ten being the best. but This one tooth is caused me more issues in the past 2 weeks than I've ever had Health problems in my life (minus the Ear infections that started all this with the antibiotics as a child.)

SIDE NOTE: Minus a few pains or head aches, the tooth never really caused my problems. Then suddenly, i had a bad taste in my mouth....

The tooth started to hurt to the point that i felt it was going to push it self right out of the Gum and on to my nose to poke me in the eyes (IE it felt angry at me). So i had a dentist clear the cavity, fill it and then recommend me to a Oral surgeon for a Root Canal. The next week (after the doc putting a topical cleanser and some filling that had a medication in it) I saw the oral surgeon and had the first half of what turned out to be a 2 part procedure due to an infected gum under the tooth. This infection was causing more pain, and side effects than 5 shots of tequila.

Blurred Vision
Pain up the jaw line to the eye and up to the head
Sinuses draining
AND A SOUR/SALTY/LICKING THE GROUND Taste in my mouth and Smell in my sinuses.

Called both docs, they said the same thing, its the infection causing "Symbiotic Symptoms" or something like that. IE the infection was now "Infecting" other parts of my face due to its location near the Sinus Cavity.

I have the second half of my Rootcanal tomorrow morning and hopefully that will be the beginning of the end for this Menacing tooth.

I guess the reason i'm sharing this was to say 2 things, 1) Sandy Ur not alone, and 2) It could be something that isn't on the "Surface" thus can't just be looked at and said "oh, yup, thats the problem." My dentist didn't even know there was an infection till AFTER he opened the tooth. he kept saying "Fingers crossed there's no infection" as he drilled away... Should of crossed my toes too.

HOPE: When i was on an antibiotic for EVERYTHING (Which i was till i ran out) things got better, and now that i'm seeing the docs tomorrow, they should get even better.

Good luck to you Sandy, Try things that would normally taste Gross or sour/salty to you (in a bad way), I've only been able to eat things I normally wouldn't touch lol. Worth a shot. OH AND HALLS VAPOR COUGH DROPS, that hid the flavor for a bit.

And Bryanna, After reading like 10 of ur posts on other threads, ANY advice is appreciated on post Root Canal do's and don'ts.

hope I helped or at least made someone laugh at my expense is offline   Reply With QuoteReply With Quote