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Old 02-22-2011, 01:19 PM
elmarita454 elmarita454 is offline
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elmarita454 elmarita454 is offline
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Default rsd new phase?

I am new to this site and new to the computer so I'm not sure what I am doing. I'm kinda lost. I found this site and started reading about all these people with rsd and just felt I needed to join in and ask ?s too. I read so many of your stories and so much of it I can relate to. I was treated like a mental pt, and the pain was not acknowledged for the longest time, just more and more clonidine to bring my blood pressure down. I was finally dx the end of 2003 after suffering for almost a year. My husband would take me to the er and they would shoot me up with something, and send me home. I would sleep on the way home, and my husband would carry me in and then as soon as I woke up I would be screaming in burning pain. After i was finally dx, I was put on avinza 30 mg 1x day---baclofen--clonidine--and neurontin. The constant constipation from the avinza was the worst no matter how much fiber and stool softners, and magnesium that I took. But the pain subsided, and after about 4 months I actually started functioning substantially. About 8 months later I started being jerked awake, PM dc said it was the baclofen so was weaned off of it. The jerking stopped. was weaned off the neurontin. Any way was weaned off meds, using ativan, had a adverse paradoxical reaction to it, and it was dropped ct switching to massive doseages of benadryl. I started having horrible partial seizures, couldn't sleep, walking the floor day and night, so dr gave me xprexa, said it would help me sleep, made me worse, then trasadone, I'm still having violent jerking thrashing partial seizures and cannot stop moving, as when I do my body starts jerking me violently I still cannot sleep, getting only about 2 hour a night if that. I' literally going insane from no sleep. I tried the baclofen again but had a bad reaction to it, maybe because of the protracted benzo withdrawals and the gabba situation. I do not know what this is or what to do. PM dr says that it is akathisia, neurologist says just drug repercussion and should heal, and they are all trying to give me antidepressants, and I know that akathesia is reaction of dyskinesia from such so am confused. In the meantime, because of all the trauma and no sleep my body is trying to burn again. My cns and metabolism is in over drive, as i cannot slow down, rest, relax or sleep. I was put back on neurontin but started moving uncontrollably, as my head would be pulled backwards and my mouth would open wide and my tongue would stick out. I looked up information on pubmed and there is a case of neurontin causing a condition called oculogyric crisis. I asked my neurologist about it and she said that it was possible, so am weaning off of the neurontin now and mybe a little too fast. I'm still on cloniding and almost off the neurontin. In the meantime, still no sleep, and one violent jerk-spasm-thrash-yanking seizure after another. Is this the rsd? Any suggestions on what to do? elmarita454
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