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Old 02-23-2011, 10:30 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Originally Posted by Weaphie View Post
Hi my name is Alicia-
I began reading this site when I was first diagnosed w/ a Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle in early 2009. It scared me all the horror stories I read about short term memory loss, speech impairments and any of the other things that could go wrong during brain surgery. I mean its brain surgery thats scary by itself w/out all the bad side effects. So I decided I would put my story up here, so that some people who come here can see that it isnt all bad news, sometimes things do work out.

My Dr, even though its not standard procedure, decided to do a sinus x-ray to see if I had a sinus infection and that may have saved my life. In that x-ray they saw a blur on my brain and decided to do a CT scan where they found a small colloid cyst. Even though the Dr suggested watching it for 6 months I wanted it out. I didnt want to have to worry if each headache or dizzy spell was related to this cyst. I wasnt gonna sit around and "babysit" it for forever, I mean im only 24.

On Thursday June 11th, 2009 I was wheeled down to surgery a little before 8:00am at The University of Utah Hospital w/ Dr's Couldwell and Walsh as my surgeons.
7 and 1/2 hrs later they had removed it completely- Dr.Walsh explained that it popped off the side of my ventricle like a little grape
Everyone's main concern was my memory... Because they have to move a portion of brain known as a 'memory receptor' during surgery some people come out with short term memory loss. Not me though!! I came out chipper as can be and I was a motor mouth. I think it was the morphine
Unfortunalty the morphine was not strong enough so they switched me to a new pain med and my incesent talking dyed down, and then the nausea hit.
I guess when your under anesthesia that long nausea is quite normal. I learned though (and this is kinda strange to some people) that if you open an alcohol swab packet and smell the rubbing alcohol it calmed my stomach down.. I swear it worked everytime!
The next day, still in the hospital, I was able to get food down and was continually picking at the blood in my hair. A nurse came down and washed my hair for that time it felt amazing.
For the next 3 days we worked on getting me up and outa bed and making sure i could hold down food. At the time the pain in my head was aweful, but its not something that I remember when I look back on this experience.
They did CT scans daily to make sure everything was healing ok and on Monday the 15th I was able to go home. But that doesnt mean its over yet.

Sorry if im boring some of you... I just thought I would share...

Once I was home I began to improve tremendously...My time periods between needing pain meds lengthened and I was gaining my strength back. It still took forever to get up the stairs and I wasnt allowed to do that w/out someone behind me incase I fell, but things were getting easier.
By June 25th (the day michael jackson died) I decided i was going to go back into work for a few hrs. I was there about 4 when I had had enough, looking at the computer screen was still a little straining on my eyes.
I took about 3-4weeks off and worked my way back up to full time.

Today is Monday October 5th, about 4 months after surgery and I feel wonderful. My only problem is this strip of spikey hair I have growing down the center of my skull I have had no headaches or any other strange side effects from surgery. I have been very lucky to have my family, roomates and coworkers all here for me during this.

I know im long winded..haha..

I wish you all the best of luck and if you have any questions feel free to ask. I did alot of research on colloid cysts when I first found out and I have worked as a Billing Specialist in the medical field for 4 years so if I can be of any assitance to you dont hesitate to ask.



Loved your story. If I were you, I'd spray on some color on that spikey thing on your head and when people ask "what on earth is that?", I'd smile and say "Why, I'm a survivor of brain surgery, and I'm celebrating'. You'll make a lot of people smile.

You made me smile.

Have a great day. Enjoy the rest of your life.




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