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Old 02-27-2011, 05:09 PM
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Buffheart Buffheart is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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Default How to tell if I am having simple/complex partials when sleeping

Hi all! I think this is my first post on this board though I been on this site for years. If you would be so kind as to help me figure this out I would greatly appreciate it.

Before I start this post will probably be long though I will try to keep it as short as possible.

Ever since I was a young child I have had wild dreams. Totally nonsensical. I can't even describe a full dream, but to give you an example I remember having a dream a few weeks ago where I was walking though a lumber yard with a girl from middle school whom I hated and hadn't seen or talked to for years. In my dream we were walking along and talking and I remember the sky was dark neon purple. In my dreams everything changes so quickly. People change bodies, sometimes the skies are bright colors, scenery changes at the blink of an eye, but it all makes sense in my dream. For example one minute I may be talking to one of my friends and suddenly they might change into my doctor, or someone I haven't seen for years, or one moment I might be in a forest, and the next the scenery might change into a mall or a castle like I teleported (sp?), but it all makes sense in my dream! Sometimes colors can be dark but bright at the same time, like the dark neon purple. Often times it sky is a strange color, like I have the sense it is day time even if they sky is some strange shade of blue, or sometimes it seems to be night even if the sky is orange. Other things might be oddly colored too, like the ground, but it is usually the sky. When I wake up I never have the chance to write the dream down because with 2-5 minutes I forget it, so even when I know I had a strange dream I hardly ever remember any of it.

Naturally, when my dreams make sense it scares me. Thus far since June of 2009 I have had 6 dreams where I had cancer, and since September 2010 I have had three seizures dreams.

The first seizure dream occurred at the doctors office (in my dream, not real life) we were talking and I got the impression that she knew about my seizures. Suddenly my body went limp, so I slumped down on the table. Although I couldn't move or talk I could see and hear everything that was going on. In my dream I knew it was a complex partial. When I awoke I was tired, dizzy, confused, and felt like I was hit by a truck. At first I couldn't open my eyes, and when I finally did everything was black for a few seconds, making me think I had a complex partial in my sleep.

My second dream was that I was at the store and had a TC. Before I had the TC (in my dream) I was tired, dizzy, and confused. In my dream I kept asking my friend the same question because I couldn't remember the answer. A dog jumped on me and the guy told me the dog only does that when someone is about the have a seizure. By that time I knew it was only a matter on minutes, so I turned to walk away, felt my body go limp, and knew that was it. When I hit the sidewalk I awoke.

My third dream was a few days ago. Actually I had a dream within a dream. In my dream I was sleeping and in the dream I had another dream where I was sitting in class taking notes when I started to feel my body go limp. While sitting up, my body started to lean to one side, then I would pull myself up, then it would lean to the other. Suddenly I became tired, like being put under anesthesia. My eye lids were drooping, but I could still write perfectly legibly. Suddenly my left leg went stiff and started to shake, and somebody was talking to me but I couldn't answer. My mouth seemed to have stopped working. In that dream I had the impression that I was having a complex partial. After awaking from the dream my left arm was shaking slightly.

Other times I wake up intensely tired, despite sleeping through the night. This can last all day sometimes. A few years ago I had a bad problem with waking up and feeling nauseous, to the point of throwing up sometimes. My doctors kept trying different medications which didn't work, but it went away on it's own. Other times I wake up and feel dizzy, which, again may last all day. On those days I am forgetful and in a fog. About a month ago this happened on and off for about 10 days, to the point where I would forget to scoop the kitty litter for days.

Do you think these could be seizures? How can I tell?
"You can't have living without dying. So you can't call it living, what we got. We just ARE, we just BE, like rocks beside the road."


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