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Old 03-28-2011, 05:37 AM
gabbycakes gabbycakes is offline
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gabbycakes gabbycakes is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
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15 yr Member

Originally Posted by lorigood243 View Post
Thank you Pete and Sandy

Thank you both. I wish I had more energy both physical and mental. I know you understand what i mean. I am feeling more and more beat down by this illness. Same routine everyday with no hope of changing for the better in my future.

I will call around or a Neurologist. That is not something that I have done yet. I saw a neurologist about 2 years ago when i was being tested for MS which that God I don't have...but at that time RSD was not suggested. I diagnosed myself and then when to my primary care and said to him i think i have this you think i have this and he said that's how i got here.

Yesterday my pain was creeping up again so i took neurotin again and it helped calm the burning feeling down. i didn't want to take it because of the side affects, but i didn't know what else to do and i don't want to go back to the hospital.

Sandy, I'm sorry you aren't ever out of pain. I know you have dealt with this for years...and i hoped that you had found a good mixture of medication to make you comfortable. I have a lot of worries on my plate and i know that doesn't help me either. I may lose my job if i cant get my sales up very soon! I am broke and have to go to food banks and churches for food each week. Hubby cant work because i cant be left alone. this is just not the life i expected! If i lose my job, i will lose my apartment fast and i have no money to move. I worry that i might become homeless. I can apply for disability but it wont pay enough for me to stay in the apartment i am in. Being handicapped, i have to live on a first floor apartment, this one i live in fits me perfect. If i can get my sales up I will be okay. I sell office supplies from home to the government. The govt hasn't approved the budget yet so people can buy. I use to be one of the top producing women on the east coast before i got sick. then i lost my job of 20 years...and was blessed to find this one 2 years boss has been very supportive...but my sales just haven't grown enough. I wasn't doing it right but now i know what to i just pray for more time to get well and do better.

RSD has stolen SO much from me! I apologize for rambling about my life. I know everyone has their own problems that RSD has caused. I use to be very confident, independent and strong. My memory was great, now its terrible! Some one some where has to be working on this horrible illness for us!
again, im sorry for rambling!

I have been reading your post since yesterday and my heart truly goes out to you. I just would like to ask one question. What is the reason for the growth? Do they say it is from RSD or from the gallbaldder surgery or a combination of both? I quess I'm just not making the connection. I have had RSD for 7 years and I have never heard of a large growth such as yours being assoiciated with RSD. I wonder if it's something else. Honestley the first thing that comes to mind in Neuro.......Fibrois. I"ll get the correct spelling for you. It's a disorder where people get large growths. I have seen in on Discovery Health.

You spoke about going on disability. You would probably get it quickly and you could still work. You are allowed to make about $1000 a month without having you disability check reduced. This woldu also give you medicare and many other benefits as a disabled individual. And then in the future if things improve and you want to return to ft work you can give it up.

Try and keep positive.


PS I'll be back with that spelling. It's spelled "neurofibromatosis".

Last edited by gabbycakes; 03-28-2011 at 05:43 AM. Reason: Adding a sentence.
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