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Old 03-03-2007, 05:50 AM
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Hi Frogga - I didn't think you were saying anything I didn't agree with, wasn't trying to disagree, just applying what the UK docs suggest to myself LOL - glad I'm here and not in the UK if that's the case

It was interesting that when I first noticed the RSI the docs here were very quick to jump to the conclusion that it was spread - I had 2 docs saying it was RSD spread, one saying it was the spinal stenosis, another saying it was RSI.... so it looked to me as if they were almost expecting spread.

One slightly worrying thing I've noticed though is that when I've done too much with the right RSI hand it sets off the left RSD one if I'm not careful. Oh yes, forget to tell you, I got the working splints, they do help. Got two soft ones for actually working and a molded plastic one for night (yuk, don't like it).

Thanks for your thoughts, sweetie,
all the best
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