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Old 04-16-2011, 10:59 AM
whirlwind123 whirlwind123 is offline
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whirlwind123 whirlwind123 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default problems, problems,going off prednisone

Hi All.,
I have been on a low dose of prednisone of 10 mg eod for 5 months now., it has helped some with my fatique and arm and leg weakness and droopy eye lids, but not helping with my ocular myasthenia(The distorted vision). I take mestinon with it was needed.
So It was time for my yearly eye appt with the eye md., he is the one who originally diagnosed me., so I go in first., my eye pressure is 30 in my left eye and 26 in my right eye., I have a cataract in my right eye., He advised to go off the prednisone., and gave me drops for my left eye with the 30 pressure saying I am on my way to glaucoma., he thought he could maybe give me prisms in my glasses to help the vision., but said he could not., he says the pain and throbbing and pressure I have been having in my left eye is from the pressure in the eye. So between the mg., glaucoma, cataract seeing at work for close figures and computers is difficult. I have to see him in two weeks., to see if the drops help. In the meantime I call my neurologist., he says 10mg of prednisone eod is a very minimal dose., but he will taper me off by taking 5 mg every other day for a week and thats it., He says he knew the prednisone was no helping my vision but it was helping the other physical issues., so he might have to put me on Imuran or cellcept.., so thats that for
now , my husband has a prosthetic for his left eye and right eye has had detached retinas., and his optic nerve is thinning and has other issues., so this is just craziness. I am 59 never had any eye problems in my life., I do have to say my pressure in my eyes have always ran a little high., but they were never too concerned as they were between 20 and 22. Anybody else have any of these issues? What is Imuran or cellcept.,??? what are the side effects., please advise.
Thank you
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