Thread: It Ticks Me Off
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Old 03-05-2007, 04:10 PM
Lara Lara is offline
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Lara Lara is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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15 yr Member

I am struggling with something this morning.

It's a big *WHY???*

On a scale of things it's probably insignificent to most, but someone stole my daughter's car yesterday from a shopping car park. A week after her 18th birthday she goes in to get her hair cut and came out to get in her car and it was not there. She's lost her grandmother, a kidney, and now her much loved little car all in the space of 11 months and she's grieving as if she's lost a person. Now we have no car. It's gone.

What ticks me off is this... she waited for an hour for a security guard to come to her while she stood in this car park where her car had been just a couple of hours earlier. He never came.

What also ticks me off is this... We contacted the police beat in the shopping centre and they said they were not being paid overtime and it was time to go home so we needed to contact a different station.

What ticks me off is this... That after actually making contact with a 4th police station, we were totally shocked that they didn't care. That they acted so nonchalantly and as if it was nothing. Like oh well, there goes another one.

What ticks me off is the circumstances of this world that lead my beautiful daughter to say some of the really sad things she said to me last night. Now this morning she's yet to wake up to an empty garage. Like I said, it's just a thing, right? No, it's more than a thing, believe me. It's a life changing experience and for so many reasons that I'll just not go into.

Well, now that's off my chest... off to have a better day hopefully.

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