Thread: It Ticks Me Off
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Old 03-06-2007, 01:46 AM
Lara Lara is offline
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Lara Lara is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
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15 yr Member

I think the Universe must have heard what I was saying this morning. I was crying and upset when I posted messages this morning.

You wouldn't read about it, they found the car.

We had to get a lift. It was found in some yuk suburb of a city about 100 kilometres away. A police officer found it there in the middle of the night. He was doing patrol. The area is one that is somewhat renowned for breakins and thefts etc.. They phoned here just after I got offline this morning. It was towed to a holding yard, then we had to wait for it to be fingerprinted. We were expecting the worst, but the damage isn't so bad I suppose. At least we have the car back. They bent everything around the steering column and snapped some huge part that connects the ignition switch to the steering column. I know the name of it but just can't think of it at the moment. They stole about 100 cds that she had in a special folder in the glove box, no cases, just the cds. They've broken the locks. They did a few other things including something to the immobilizer.

Anyway, basically it's back. No insurance. Insurance ran out and with all the surgeries and medical procedures the past 8 months, we couldn't afford the full insurance, so had no fire and theft at all. That will be rectified as soon as the car is fixed I guess. Paying out the $1500 to get it fully insured again would have been much cheaper than what we're facing now... but it's back. It's not damaged on the outside, apart from the locks... which is totally remarkable. The inside is a mess. They also wrecked the sunroof, forgot about that, but heck, it's back. They even put petrol in the thing. Probably did a drive through runner though I suspect. If they put petrol/gas in the car, it means they'd be caught under surveillance camera somewhere, even if they did a runner.

ugh, what a nightmare. I know it's just a *thing* but it sent us spiralling into reactive depression I swear... both of us. Not kidding. Sometimes things just pile up and up and wham, can't take anymore, and when I heard my daughter talking the way she was last night, it scared me. It scared me because although my life was very difficult from early childhood, I lived in a different age, a different time, where we actually were able to leave the doors open and the windows open and we were safe. Now, it's different and she feels as if she's a little ant in a giant universe and when my daughter gets like that she is scared. She's feeling much better now, and so am I, but I've lived all my life without knowing anyone who's had a car totally stolen like that.

You won't believe this, but it's true. On the way back home just now in quite heavy traffic, stopped at the lights, and this guy in the car next to us, total stranger, was gesturing us to wind down the window. He said "Don't wanna buy a plasma tv and a *brandname* stereo do ya?" Person driving us home was on the ball and said "wow, sounds great, where'd you get it" and the guy replied "your neighbour". Talk about a scary freaking world. arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggh

We're covered in fingerprinting powder and the car is all dirty and feels violated, but it's back and it can be fixed and we can go out again when it is to get places and carry the wheelchair in the boot and all the rest.

Oh what a day. Thankyou all for caring. I'm sorry if I sound a little spaced out, but it's been an horrid day.


p.s. the thing about the security officer and the police officers... you know what gets to me. What an awful job that would be. It's still no excuse for the way the officers acted and I'm sure they're not all like that. They apparently lost 2 cars from that same carpark yesterday and they were both found 100 k away in the same suburb. hmmnnn They sounded so used to dealing with all this type of thing as if it was barely important, and like I said, in the scheme of things, it's nowhere near as important as some other things. I find it just so very sad that people go out of their way to harm others and steal from others and all of that. Some kid stealing a car from another kid. What's with that?

I'm just thankful that it wasn't taken to some backyard garage somewhere and disassembled in and hour and sold off for parts. That's what usually happens. The fact we got this type of car back is nothing short of amazing.

OK, I'll stop now. Had to let it all out.

Last edited by Lara; 03-06-2007 at 02:03 AM.
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