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Old 05-17-2011, 08:58 PM
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Originally Posted by aussiemom View Post
Or the next time you are discussing this, ask them if they like having their feet attached to their legs. And having their eyes, stomach, kidneys, heart in good working condition. Those are the possible complications. Preventable by getting glucose into normal range. Diet meds excercise.
Believe me, I HAVE tried. I've explained neuropathy. I once was having a conversation with the diabetic who thinks her sugar at 200 is fine. I remember the conversation because she was saying "My toes hurt, they don't feel right?" So NATURALLY I just said "maybe you should have this looked into, you know that diabetes causes certain conditions".

That's when she yelled at me and said "Oh, YOU MEAN NEUROPATHY??? Just because diabetics get neuropathy, doesn't mean that I HAVE IT!!"

I responded. I never said you did, but if you have a symptom of something, you might want to get it looked at"

She actually stopped socializing with me once I completed the ACCORD program. I had invited her to go into the program with me. She knew she would get all meds for free and all exams for free but she said "That's too much work and it's too hard to stay on a diet"

I told her 'well, it's up to you". We would talk all the time (she lived near me), and we would get together and as I lost weight and controlled my sugar SHE DID NOT. I NEVER said a word. I'm not stupid, I know not to do that.

Didn't matter. I guess she got tired of associating with someone who was able to control their diet and health.

She distanced herself from me. She is now very ill, very big and her sugars are all the place. We talk from time to time but that's it.

Her husband actually approached me once (a long time ago), he was very afraid for her and actually asked me to intervene. I said "she's not going to like that you came to me". He said 'I don't care, you have to do something".

I told him I would but that he must not tell her that it was he who approached me. I told him I would gently bring it up without mentioning his name.

As soon as he got home later that night, guess what he did? He told her "I spoke to Melody, she wants to talk to you about your diabetes".

Believe me THAT did not go over well.

I would never trust him again after that one. She DID NOT appreciate me talking to him about her health.

So from that day on, I don't open my mouth.

The only people I talk to about health are on this forum and my sprout forum.

I keep my nose out of other's personal business.

I want to stay alive.




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