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Old 05-19-2011, 08:17 AM
Apollo Apollo is offline
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Apollo Apollo is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 240
10 yr Member

Many thanks for everyone's feedback, and I will try to answer your questions.

1) My mistake ... I am taking "Triamterene - HCTZ" 37.5 - 25 mg

2) I have a life-long history of sinus problems which led to four sinus surgeries. The first two overresected my nasal turbinates leading to chronic sinus infections. I then took numerous antibiotics over the years without taking the necessary probiotics because I was never made aware of them.

Incidently, I did take one low dose of Cipro (I think it was 500 mg once or twice a day) for a week or so about two years before my cranial neuropathy began (I believe I took it in 2003). That would have also been about three or so years before my body-wide neuropathies began.

I may have also taken an identical week of Cipro in the 1990s as well, but I am not sure. Nowadays I rarely use antibiotics, and when I do they tend to be Ceftin or Augmentin.

3) I developed "Irritable Bowel Syndrome in July, 1999 which roughly lasted until 2003, which I began taking Culturelle's Lactobacillus GG. That would suggest I had finally developed a yeast overgrowth by the late 1990s.

4) Yes, I was tested for H. Pylori in 2006 which was negative.

5) Multiple nerve conduction studies showed little if any slowing of the nerve velocity across my wrists. If I have Carpital Tunnel then it is very minimal.

6) My Thyroid is relatively normal. My last TSH was .90, and my Free T-3 and T-4 are also normal. However, I also take a low dose (30 mg) of Armour Thyroid daily.

7) I am intrigued by the Benfotiamine. What would be a good trial dose to see if it helps the Small-Fiber, and when should I expect to see results if they are to occur?


Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
Which diuretic are you on? What is AZT? That is an abbreviation for a retro viral drug. hydrochlorothiazide. A diuretic. This depletes thiamine B1, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc and phosphorus.
Loop diuretics like furosemide, deplete thiamine much more.
But HCT also increases urea, and uric acid.

Going back to the sinus infections... did you use alot of antibiotics? Do you remember which ones?

It is possible that you have a low grade infection somewhere that is flaring in you and going quiet?

Have you been tested for H. pylori infection in the stomach?
If you search Google on H. pylori neuropathy you can find many papers linking the two.

If you were on antibiotics alot, I would also suspect Candida overgrowth. This would put a huge drain on your thiamine intake. So trying Benfotiamine may help. Candida puts out alot of aldehyde as a byproduct of metabolism and this can cause paresthesias in the skin.

I'd try some ice packs on the wrists to see if you have nerve entrapment there. This works quickly for carpal tunnel type symptoms, which palm pain may be a part of. When severe this pain can go up the arms. (it did for me when I had it during my pregnancy). If so getting tested for thyroid issues, would be a good idea.

You have something going on that flares. My first bet is on some organism, given that elevated IgM.
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