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Old 05-23-2011, 01:01 AM
nightnurse30 nightnurse30 is offline
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nightnurse30 nightnurse30 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

The most important thing you need to limit the fatigue is good REM sleep. You also need to avoid caffeine like the plague. Limit your intake to one serving a day. Stay away from MSG and any processed soy products.

The B-12 is useful but alone is not enough. Omega 3's, B-6 and all of the other B's and anti-oxidants will help over time.

Anti-depressants are definitely not prescribed to increase energy levels as they can/will cause excessive sleepiness. They do often help with the anxiety symptom of PCS, though.

ADHD drugs are usually stimulants that are counter to what the brain needs. It needs rest, not stimulation.

Unlike most ailments that doctors can treat the symptoms of with targeted meds, there is no med that will treat the broad array of symptoms of PCS. Each individual symptom needs to be addressed individually. Work-arounds and accommodations are the usual way of living with PCS.

Type A personalities are the toughest as dealing with PCS. We just don't want to accept that pushing harder will not overcome the limits.

I would be very careful with chiros if your chiro uses the head twist and pop adjustment technique for your neck. The neck after a concussion is traumatized enough without the additional stress of twist and pop chiro adjustments.

I hope you can find a way to get the rest you need. It will be key to your ability to return to work without continual absences.

My best to you.
Thanks so much for your input. That does make sense that a stimulant wouldnt be the smartest idea when i need rest. Ive been getting B12 and B6 shots from a naturopathic doctor and im making fruit and veggie smoothies everyday to try and get as many antioxidants as i can.

Using spinach, carrots, strawberries, blueberries, rasberries, mango, banana, greek yogurt and V8fusion juice. Im also drinking protein shakes that have a lot of my vitamins and minerals. Been having mahi fish and tuna fish for my omegas....allergic to shellfish.

At night, i take restoril (an anxiety/sleeping medicine) along with a soma (muscle relaxant for my back) and wondering if maybe this combination is increasing my decreased energy levels. Its so hard being on this roller coaster ride where i have days where i feel great, and others where i can barely move.

Im going to see my doctor again this week to discuss options. Its amazing how labile my emotions are, and energy levels. I dont drink much caffeine (maybe a diet coke every other day). And its tough because i work 12 hour night shifts, starting to wonder if i should go back out on disability for a few months until these symptoms pass and just do cobra for my health insurance and take the financial burden to give myself the best opportunity to heal.

But worried not working will cause me to get depressed. Ive been a nurse for so long and always taking care of my patients that its hard to stop and take care of me!
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