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Old 05-26-2011, 04:36 PM
Stellatum Stellatum is offline
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Stellatum Stellatum is offline
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Default hyperthyroidism and MG

So I had my thyroid checked by my endo, and I'm slightly hyper (TSH=0.2. I've had Graves for years, and have been on and off PTU, most recently off). All MG patients should have their thyroids checked (simple blood test) since so many of us have Graves, by the way.

It is tempting to think of hyperthyroid periodic paralysis to explain these sudden episodes of extreme weakness I've been having, only I had my thyroid levels checked three months ago, just before I got so weak I went to the ER, and it was fine (TSH around 1).

Meanwhile, my neuro did mention that hyperthyroidism can make MG much worse--he told me to make sure I see my endo periodically. However, a little googling reveals that treating hyperthyroidism seems to sometimes make MG worse, and sometimes make it better.* So, I don't know what to think. My endo, who knows nothing about MG, left a message for me to simply be rechecked in two months, but I am going to ask him to start me on the suppressant again, because my hyperthyroidism has never gone away by itself--I think it's only going to get worse if I don't treat it. And who knows what that will do to me. But I will be watching for possible effects on the MG.

*One of the articles I read was a frustrating case from the 1960s. Woman presents with MG and Graves. They give her Mestinon--she gets weaker. They up the dose--she gets weaker. They up the dose even more--she's still getting weaker. They up it again, and what do you know, she has a colinergic crisis. They take her off the Mestinon. She gets better. They start her up on it, and then for some reason the whole thing happens again--they increase the dose until she goes into another cholinergic crisis.
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