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Old 03-07-2007, 11:57 AM
wasabi wasabi is offline
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wasabi wasabi is offline
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Default Idealist

Originally Posted by Idealist View Post
I think this is all very interesting, and really applaud the fact that you would care enough to go to the trouble to help others with a condition you do not have.

But one thing bothers me. What about people like myself who suffer from secondary fibromyalgia? I never had a symptom a day in my life until I developed a chronic pain condition in my abdomen. A year after that the fibromyalgia set in, with all the symptoms, all the tender points and everything.

At that time I did a lot of research myself, and spoke to or e-mailed a number of well-know rheumatologists to try to find a way to treat or cure the fibro despite my chronic pain. The most common answer I got then was that fibromyalgia, at least like mine, is most likely caused by a disruption in the normal cycle of living caused by my chronic pain. I couldn't sleep, eat, work or exercise in any normal pattern, and this caused a huge upset in how my body functioned, leading to FMS.

Do you think there could be more than one cause, or more than one condition that mimics fibromyalgia? From what I've read, it's the tender points more than anything else that confirms the diagnosis, and I have them all. But mine have never been as terribly severe as those of others I've read about here. Any thoughts on that?
I am beginning to think that fluoride poisoning is only one possible cause of fibromyalgia. I think that trying to tie ischemia and fluoride poisoning to fibromyalgia was a very good place for me to start. I am now starting to wrestle with the cause of fibromyalgia from a broader perspective - perhaps too broad. But it's a good way for me to continue my investigations and ruminations. I can always make another course correction later on.

What I am now thinking is this, fibromyalgia is the result of incomplete healing. Fluoride poisoning fits into this idea of incomplete healing in two ways. First, in high enough quantities, fluoride can cause serious wounding of the body. Second, even in relatively low quantities, fluoride can interfere with the body's messenger chemicals, keeping certain processes clogged in the on position. This could prevent the body from turning off certain responses to wounding such as the production of substance P. I don't have any hard evidence yet to back up my idea, but it just kind of makes sense to me at this point. There are many ways in which the body can be wounded, so yes, I now believe there are multiple causes of fibromyalgia.

Your abdominal pain is an important part of your health condition. Not knowing the cause makes it difficult to even try to answer your last question. Fluoride poisoning can cause digestive problems. If something caused your sympathetic nervous system to work overtime - heart rate up, blood pressure up, muscles ready for fight or flight - that could affect your digestive system even possibly leading to leaky gut (by keeping blood flowing to your muscles instead of your digestive system). I am still trying to make a connection between fluoride poisoning and ischemia in muscles. Regardless of cause, some sort of ischemia could account for your painful tender points. Whether or not an overabundance of some sort of chemical messengers produced when one part of the body is seriously wounded can cause ischemia in other parts of the body (when the wound fails to heal for a long time) - I just don't know.

One more thought, mental stress and chronic pain can lead to magnesium depletion. Magnesium is required for muscles to relax. Magnesium deficiency can cause muscles to be chronically tensed which can lead to ischemia, which can lead to pain. I use magnesium taurate as my magnesium supplement. If the pain in your tender points is not severe, massage could also be very helpful.

Last edited by wasabi; 03-07-2007 at 12:10 PM. Reason: One more thought
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