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Old 03-07-2007, 01:01 PM
dahlek dahlek is offline
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dahlek dahlek is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Melody, Do not be afriad...

at the precautions they are taking! I find it more than WONDERFUL that these are being taken! Many docs aren't as cautious.
I'd started my infusions in my neuro's office, one a day for five days...5 hours each day. Since the infusions were given in a part of the office that was their sleep lab, the beds were beyond good, had a choice of recliners [super comfy BTW] and I was watched like a hawk by an IV nurse who I consider a friend [even tho my doc's office is no longer giving infusions] AND a TV. The 'leftovers' from the 'reps' having lunch w/the docs wasn't bad either...that's what got me back my appetite...catered goodies? Won't find that in a hospital.. I found in the hospital, that the SAME STANDARD meal was served for breakfast and lunch in the infusion center [yep the cancer floor]...Duller than dishwater! Bring those muffins to the nurses, and you will have won their hearts! I brought stuff a few times and found that some of the stuff...which I'd anticipated for other patients...was well SNARFED UP by all the floor crumbs! Bribery gets you into lots of good graces, especially by those who I call the 'Indians' Those who do the real work of taking care of Alan! Bribe AWAY! Don't forget there are 'shifts'?
What they are watching for during the infusions are 'reactions' BE SURE TO READ THE BAG and get the BRAND and quantity ML or MG of IVIG..Check w/your prescribing doc to see IF the doc's specified a particular brand, some brands use saline others sucrose as the mixer or liquid for delivery and each brand has properties some folks take to and others NOT. DO NOT let them change brands from infusion to infusion...That's why you have to know what the doc's prescribed.
Oh GOLLY I feel this is going to be a two parter...
The reason it's taking so long at first is that, put bluntly: A foreign substance [tho processed and almost pasteurized] is being put into your body. Just like a blood transfusion, [it IS a blood PRODUCT] or a shot...reactions can and do occur. Some can be severe tho I believe REALLY bad equals less than .02 percent of all infusions. The caution taken is a super-GOOD safety measure!
Most common s/es are headaches [like a migraine], diarhea, and flu-like aches. Rashes are less common, and that could be brand [solution] related. [WHY you need that info!] There are some IGa-z aspects in different brands that each of us are well, 'quirky' to. That's why keeping track of the brand[s] used is important should any reaction occur.
I cannot think aanything other, that by now, ALAN is going stir crazy! I know even as an outpatient, after hours 3 I wanna get MOVING! Lately tho my pre-meds make me dozey and I half sleep thru my now 2-3 hour infusion at home, then nap after the nurse leaves. Beats MY trundle back and forth, and overall it's cheaper and easier to have the 'house call'. Less hassle overall. I've one person watching ME for the duration and well, you know? You've reminded me I've got to get her her 'danish' ...gotta treat yer caretakers beyond right, ya know? Driving the 8 miles home after 3 Benedryls, well could be an andventure? One, most of us don't need?
Also, pre-meds play a role in avoiding reactions. I went from one Benedryl & one Tylenol to 3 t's +1 Bene to 1 T and 3 Benes now. I am truly OUT for the day after that much antihistimine, but only cause I got a rash which was fixed by the pre-med's change and topicals.
WOULD I STOP IT? NO Fudging way! Are the s/e's some of which are unpleasant stop me from getting it? [B]NO Fudging Way! I know of more folks w MMN who could be more articulate about the issue than I. If you want more resources than I've pm'ed you with in the past, please let me know.
I do knowin my heart that if I'd not gotten IVIG when I had and still do, that I would be in that wheelchair the one chief neuro cheese said I should be in w/my diagnosis. TOO STUBBORN! is my motto. I'm betting it's yours for ALAN.
I do know and appreciate the being apart stuff. When I've been in the hosp. 4 times since my onset, 2 for PN stuff others for other stuf, well, MY DH was a lost person so's to speak. The cat took it even worse! Scary prospects....?

HUGS and heaps of good thoughts your and Alans' way! - j
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