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Old 06-16-2011, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by kathy d View Post
Dear Catra121,
Hi and I am sorry you are having all this gall bladder problems. Unfortunately in my family, just about everyone has had theirs out (I am the exception). Seems like bad gall bladders run in my family. I don't understand how the doctor could tell you to have it out when the results were normal and tells you you have a mass on your liver? How can you have any surgery when you don't know what is causing the problem in the first place. OK if you have gall stones then fine BUT what about lasers to destroy the stones? It is much less invasive. I agree with Mike that surgery should be your last resort. Another idea I had is maybe the Nexium is causing all your side effects?? Read the brochure it comes with or go online to look at them. Have you ever tried to get off of it or try another brand. My neuro doc told me Nexium and acid reducers do just that..they reduce your acid but unfortunately they kill off the good acid we need in our bodies. You may have to change your diet for sure and I know some people get GERD (Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease sp?) where they get indigestion, burning, etc. Look in to that too.

I think burning pain, skin redness, and sensitivity sounds like rsd rearing its ugly head to me. Definately see a good gastro doc to help you diagnose what is causing you all the problems. Even some type of scoping would be better than surgery. I don't think you should be your own best advocate when concerning your health. You need to do what is best for YOU not what is more convenient for the doctor.

Lastly, I could think of maybe you seeing a really good gentle chiropractor who may be able to do a few adjustments and maybe some work in your belly area. I love my chiro and would see her first before going to any other type of doctor. She is amazing. Best of luck to you and let us know how you make out.
Take care,
kathy d
The ultrasound was normal, but the HIDA scan showed that the gall bladder isn't hardly functioning at all...didn't react at all to the medication they put in me during the test that is supposed to make it contract and the radioactive tracer that went through me was VERY slow going through that area. I hope to get more specifics about the results when I see the doc. Since the ultrasound is clear, it is possible that it is not gall stones but rather that the gall bladder was damaged in some way (possibly from an infection).

It fits timing wise with when the symptoms started if an infection got introduced into my system when I got the block, and makes sense that the symptoms (at least some of them...the ones that may not be related to RSD) would have gotten worse over time.

It's definitely not the Nexium that is causing the problems since that was only started 3 months after the symptoms started to "protect me from getting an ulcer" or from damaging my stomach with the amount of vomitting. It didn't help, but that makes sense if the problem is my gall bladder, at least from what I read online.

Thanks everyone for all the advice and suggestions! I am definitely wary of any type of surgery and will have a decent list of things to go over with the gastro doc when I see him next week. I really just want to make sure that I'm not just making the decision to have my gall bladder removed because I am so desperate for an answer to what is wrong with me and that there is a good reason to go forward with that if it ends up being necessary. My mom seems to think that I am being over cautious...but when you deal with RSD I don't think there is any such thing. I want to be confident that any decision I make about my health care from this point on is something that I am 100% comfortable with and that I have weighed the risks and benefits to make sure it is the right thing for ME.

But I am so hoping that between this and the physical therapy that I have started that I am finally back on the path to a normal life (as normal as it can be anyway). Please, please, please...let this be the light at the end of the tunnel from this nightmare that has been my life for almost 6 months now...and back to the nightmare that has been my life for 2 years since getting RSD in my left ankle. At least that I can handle...
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