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Old 07-06-2011, 10:04 AM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Default Alan has a fever and won't go see Dr. Fred

Hi All:

First I have to give you a background of something that happened 29 years ago.

He got a fever lasting a long time no other symptoms. Kind of like what
is happening now. They put him in the hospital in isolation because they
didnt know what it was .

They finally released him indicating on his chart it was fever of unknown origin
it took about two months for him to get better. He never had a sore throat ear ache no other symptoms they never gave him antibiotics.

So i am thinking to myself what if that virus from 29 years ago, has stayed dormant in his system and is now waking up.

Five days ago we got some devastating news about our son. The stress alone is a killer. That night Alan got the fever. 102. Did the tylenol,
He had no cough, sore throat, aches, he did have a little headache, but NOTHING ELSE.
He was exhausted. He slept, the next morning it went down. Because he had no other symptoms and he hasn't had any other illnesses (except for cellulitis
infection of a foot ulcer which they treat with anti-biotics, and that was over
2 months ago), he's always fine. Except for his neuropathy I mean. And I've checked his body, his feet are fine, no ulcers, no nothing ANYWHERE.

But he never gets SICK. He never gets a cold, and oh by the way, he did not get a flu shot.

So naturally he wont' go to the doctor. The fever broke, and he felt better.
But it was like he was hit with a truck. Very weak. He is not a drinker!!!
Doesn't like water. I took him off of all diet soda with splenda, and gave him
my true lemon products ordering him to DRINK because you have to have fluids with a fever. Not much of an appetite 4 days ago. So bit by bit, the fever comes down but he's still sleeping all the time. I phoned his doctor (can you believe he answers his cell phone on July 4th)? I tell him his symptoms and he said "From what you are telling me, it's viral, but you can bring him in
tomorrow'. I told him "the color of his urine is darker than usual but no odor". He said "that's dehydration" . The doctor said "You are giving him
Gatorade right?' I said "Oh, no, I didn't think of that"

He said to give him Gatorade and call him the next day. Dr. Fred knows that Alan won't come in because he's exhausted and said "That's fine, tell him to come in once he's feeling a bit better"

I immediately went out and bought 2 bottles of gatorade. Brought them home and he practically inhaled the first bottle. They are both now gone. I phoned the doctor the next day (which was yesterday) and told him "should I switch from tylenlol to ibuprofen"? He said "yeah, do that". I am to call the doctor back in a few days to update him.

So yesterday his fever was normal (his doctor said if he had a bacterial
infection anywhere in his body, his fever would spike, stay up, and not go down unless he had an antibiotic and that's why he really thinks it's viral).

So last night he was hungry. I made him a sandwich and a knish, and another
glass of gatorade. He's been drinking this stuff for two days now. It's like his
body NEEDS whatever is in the gatorade.

He was on the computer last night. I took his temperature. it was 98. I said
"hurray, maybe this thing has passed"

He did not want to take any ibuprofen last night before bed time because he had no fever. And he was able to get up without being dizzy (like when the fever is 101 or higher. Thankfully it has NOT gone over 101 and it usually is in the 99 percentile.

Well, I get up this morning, go into the living room, he's on the couch doing
his leg exercises, I feel his forehead (his eyes are clear by the way), and I
said 'you feel warm, and his temp was 101.

I immediately gave him 2 ibuprofen. HE WON'T GO TO THE DOCTOR, JUST KNOW THAT!!! He says "I have a virus, I have to sweat it out". He's been sweating on and off for a few days, one day he sweat through his shirt and of course I cleaned him up. The only thing he feels is TIRED, knocked out.

This morning (after giving him the two ibuprofen), I went out for a bit, just came home, and he asks "Can I have a scrambled egg on
a bagel, I'm hungry". I felt his forehead. Cool as a cucumber.

He ate his breakfast. He's laying down, he's watching tv and because this man hasn't gotten sick like this in over 25 years, I am at a loss at to what to do. I went out and got him Walgreens nutritional drink with protein because he is not eating three meals a day. and I also got him gatorade.

So my question is (and I forgot to bring this up with Dr. Fred), but is it possible that this is a reoccurence of the virus that affected him all those years ago?? and have any of you known someone to have a condition (a
virus??) that you get a normal temp in the daytime you sweat it out you
take iburprofen or some other med and it brings it right down you get your
appetite back and then you wake up and its one hundred and one??? and then it goes down again?

His color is good, nothing hurts him,no other symptoms whatsoever HE WON"T

I'll be giving him LOTS of fluids

I told him "if you are not better by friday, I'm dragging you to the doctor"
Not that the doctor could do anything if it's a virus but he can eliminate other stuff, right?

Oh this man is so stubborn.


P.S. Know what this reminds me of?? When a person has had malaria and on and off throughout the years, they get the sweats and they have to sweat it out.
And I checked for tick marks over his body (for lyme) and I know what that is, but he doesn't go anywhere where there would be ticks. Last week he went on a bus and went to the bank and to the supermarket and that was it.
Good Lord. I really do wonder if stress triggered something.

Thanks much for any information you can share.



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