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Old 03-10-2007, 03:14 PM
nikmcjo nikmcjo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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15 yr Member
nikmcjo nikmcjo is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 116
15 yr Member

Ok, I'm glad I'll hopefully be able to move toes again. It happens to my fingers and hands occasionally, but I am able to get them moving again within like 10 minutes or so.

Therapy is really hard, but its doing pretty good. I have 2 ot sessions and 2 pt sessions, lunch , and like 1 or 2 breaks. It is really hard. I have 2 different pt's and one main ot but I've seen 2 other ones besides him. They are all really different and do different things. Dan, ot, is hardest. He seems to have no sympathy. Liza and Kalynne are my 2 pts. Kalynne is really hard too, but not like Dan. I like Liza best. She eases her way onto things and is gentler. The 2 other ot's are really nice and easy.

After 5 days, the got me walking It was really hard though because of arms. They wanted me to use crutches and I started to cry because I knew how much support I would need for both feet but I knew arms wouldn't be able to take it. They had me do it and my arms went numb and I fell. They got rid of the crutches pretty quickly. I had to learn to walk holding onto Dan. That hurt bad too. Liza focuses mainly on walking correctly (I only use heels cause I can't move toes on right foot and balls of feet are worst and originally broke ball of right foot and never recovered fully before RSD) and desensitising. I hate desensitising. She started out with my fuzzy socks and lotion and her hands and then moved onto washcloths (owwww) and so on. Walking using front of feet isn't going so is getting so bad that she along with Dan and Kalynne (held private 5 minute meeting with me like 10 ft away) decided to put wedges under my tennis shoes. I wasn't too happy about that but I still managed to walk on heels and stand on them and so on. Kalynne said I would get tired eventually which I did. I didn't like that. With walking correctly, I never thought of how difficult it actually was and how if you don't do one simple step, you fall or limp.

They have these 2 machines (which I HATE). One is the Fluidotherapy machine which is filled with "finely grained" cornhusks. Yeah.....not so finely grained to me. The machine pumps warm air and blows the corn stuff and it feels like a severe sandstorm. I screamed the first few times I went in it. Then there is another machine. It is cool, but it hurts. It's Parafin. Its hot wax stuff. You dip your hands in it and as you pull out your hands, they are coated with wax. You let the wax sit for 10 minutes and then pull it off and put it back into the machine and it melts back. My feet aren't blue and purple anymore. They don't turn pretty colors as often now They look almost normal colors. They still kinda swell up though.

Now they are having me work on running and jumping. It isn't going very good at the moment. They had me stop working on running for awhile because I was doing it on heels (OWW) and if I put pressure on front of feet, I would fall over. Jumping....not easy either. I still do it all on heels. I can't really come off of the ground. One cool thing with jumping though that Kalynne noticed. She saw 2 of my toes twitch when I jumped. I couldn't see it, but she called another different pt that works there to make sure she wasn't seeing things and she saw it too. Kalynne was soooo happy. But when I try to move them, they don't budge. She can move them easily, but I can't make them move. It's really weird feeling cause you feel stupid that you can't make your toes move because it was something you could do when you weren't even a year old.

I have about 2 more intense weeks there (maybe more, they don't know). After that, I have to go 3 days afterschool for awhile. Then they bump it down to 2, then either 1 or none.
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