Thread: Crohn's Disease
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Chemar View Post
.....not all people with Crohn's can eat the same foods...what some say helps them may not help another person with Crohn's...all dependent on those unique factors in the individual, especially any co-morbid illness or disorders, as well as things like allergies, etc.

All autoimmune disease is the result of molecular mimicry. Non-self proteins mimic self proteins. The body attacks the non-self proteins, and attacks all the tissue it compromises. The trick is identifying the non-self proteins and eliminating them.

Chron's disease has an extremely strong correlation with ingestion of 1) sugar, and 2) grassy grains (wheat, barley, rye and oats). The sugar grows microorganisms. The body recognizes the microorganisms by certain protein signatures. Some bodies recognize some proteins, other bodies recognize other proteins.

The body attacks the microorganism and the affected tissue based on the protein signature. When we ingest proteins which express the same signatures, it sets up the same response.
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